카테고리 없음


VIS VITALIS 2017. 1. 15. 22:02

論語 - The Analects

季氏 - Ji Shi》 

English translation: James Legge [?]


4 季氏:
Ji Shi:
Confucius said, "There are three friendships which are advantageous, and three which are injurious. Friendship with the uplight; friendship with the sincere; and friendship with the man of much observation - these are advantageous. Friendship with the man of specious airs; friendship with the insinuatingly soft; and friendship with the glib-tongued - these are injurious."


1. 學而 - Xue Er 

 2. 為政 - Wei Zheng 
 3. 八佾 - Ba Yi 
 4. 里仁 - Li Ren 
 5. 公冶長 - Gong Ye Chang 

 6. 雍也 - Yong Ye 
 7. 述而 - Shu Er 
 8. 泰伯 - Tai Bo 
 9. 子罕 - Zi Han 
 10. 鄉黨 - Xiang Dang 
 11. 先進 - Xian Jin 
 12. 顏淵 - Yan Yuan 
 13. 子路 - Zi Lu 
 14. 憲問 - Xian Wen 
 15. 衛靈公 - Wei Ling Gong 
 16. 季氏 - Ji Shi 
 17. 陽貨 - Yang Huo 
 18. 微子 - Wei Zi 
 19. 子張 - Zi Zhang 
 20. 堯曰 - Yao Yue 

The Analects
  Xue Er
  Wei Zheng
  Ba Yi
  Li Ren
  Gong Ye Chang
  Yong Ye
  Shu Er
  Tai Bo
  Zi Han
  Xiang Dang
  Xian Jin
  Yan Yuan
  Zi Lu
  Xian Wen
  Wei Ling Gong
  Ji Shi
  Yang Huo
  Wei Zi
  Zi Zhang
  Yao Yue