「世尊自勸喻, 令宣微妙法;
可為諸病人, 當說菩提[4]分。
大師身有疾, 并為病苾芻,
於覺分法門, 敷演令開悟。
善哉阿難陀! 白法皆圓滿,
聰明有大智, 巧說牟尼法。
於正念擇法, 精勤喜覺分;
輕安及定捨, 善能分別說。
無上調御師, 樂聞覺分法;
雖身有疾苦, 無辭尚起聽。
佛為法主尊, 是能開導者;
為法尚殷重, 何況所餘人!
復有諸賢聖, 於十力教法;
假令遭[5]病苦, 起聽不辭勞。
此等善持經, 及以明律論;
尚樂聞正法, 餘人何不聽?
世尊離染教, 聞已如說行;
繫念法精勤, 當得於喜分。
由心有喜故, 為此身輕安;
由安有樂生, 從樂生於定。
由有妙定捨, 了諸行無常;
能離三有生, 染著心不起。
能離諸有苦, 不樂於人天;
證無[6]上涅槃, 如薪盡火滅。
如是大利益, 皆從聞法生;
是故勸臨終, 諦聽於妙法。」」(CBETA, T24, no. 1451, p. 391, c4-p. 392, b9)
일곱 가지 법이 깨달음의 지혜를 도와주니 이 칠각지(七覺支, Bojjhanga)를 명상하는 것도 빼놓을 수 없는 공부 방법이다. 다음의 일곱 가지 단계를 성취하기 위해서는 먼저 서원(誓願)을 세우고 굳은 의지로써 노력해나가야 한다. 초심자에게 있어 중요한 것은 무엇보다도 정진(精進)이다.
1) 염각지(念覺支)는 깨어 있는 마음(sati)으로 바른 견해를 생각하여 지키는 것.
2) 택법각지(擇法覺支)는 불법이 제시하는 모든 문제를 조사하고 궁구하는 것. 종교, 윤리, 철학을 다루는 각종 연구를 비롯해 교리에 관련된 모든 독서, 연구, 토론, 대담, 강론의 경청 등이 이에 포함된다.
3) 정진각지(精進覺支)는 택법간지에 의해 가려진 법을 부지런히 닦는 열정을 가리킨다.
4) 희각지(喜覺支)는 정진함으로써 얻게 되는 기쁜 마음이니, 이는 비관적이고 우울한 삶의 자세와는 대척을 이룬다.
5) 제각지(除覺支, 輕安覺支라고도 함)는 선정력(禪定力)이 깊어져 몸과 마음이 경쾌하고 편안한 상태가 됨을 말한다. 육체건 마음이건 경직된 자세는 금물이다.
6) 정각지(定覺支)는 선정력이 더욱 깊어져 마음이 한곳으로 모이는 집중력(samadhi)을 가리킨다.
7) 사각지(捨覺支)는 세속잡사를 있는 그대로 받아들이고 일체의 생각을 모두 버려 순역(順逆)과 고락(苦樂)에 따라 마음이 흔들리지 않는 평정상태를 말한다.
[네이버 지식백과] 칠각지 [七覺支] (『밀린다팡하』 (해제), 2004., 서울대학교 철학사상연구소)
7보리분. 7각지. 7각의. 7각이라고도 한다. 불도 수행에서 진위, 선악을 살펴서 올바로 취사선택하는 7가지 지혜. 곧 택법각분, 정진각분, 회각분, 제각분, 정각분, 염각분, 사각분.
수도(修道)를 하는 데 있어서의 일곱 가지 요건(要件).
지혜(智慧ㆍ知慧)로써 법의 진위(眞僞)를 선택(選擇)하는 택법각,
허위(虛僞)ㆍ번뇌(煩惱)를 끊어 버리고 심신의 경안(經眼)을 느끼는 제각.
선정(禪定)에 들어가서 망상(妄想)을 일으키지 않는 정각,
잘 사념하여 정혜를 명기하는 염각,
깨달음은 7가지의 心所(심소)로 구성된다. 각지를 bodhi-aṅga(보디 앙가 : 覺支)라 한다.
§29 bojjhaṅga
Satta bojjhaṅgā sati-sambojjhaṅgo dhammavicaya-sambojjhaṅgo viriya-
sambojjhaṅgo pīti-sambojjhaṅgo passadhi-sambojjhaṅgo samādhi-
sambojjhaṅgo upekkhā-sambojjhaṅgo.
§29 覺支(각지)
염정각지, 택법정각지, 정진정각지, 희정각지, 경안정각지, 정정각지, 사각지라는 7가지가 이다.
7각지는 sati(사띠), dhammavicaya(담마위짜야), viriya(위리야), pīti(삐띠), passadhi(빳삿디), samādhi(사마디), upekkhā(우뻭카)이다.
In Buddhism, the Seven Factors of Enlightenment (Pali: satta bojjhaṅgā or satta sambojjhaṅgā; Skt.: sapta bodhyanga) are:
- Mindfulness (sati) i.e. to recognize the dhammas (phenomena or reality, two ways one can translate "dhamma").
- Investigation (dhamma vicaya) of dhammas.
- Energy (viriya) also determination
- Joy or rapture (pīti)
- Relaxation or tranquility (passaddhi) of both body and mind
- Concentration, clear awareness (samādhi) a calm, one-pointed state of concentration of mind,[1] or clear awareness
- Equanimity (upekkha), to be fully aware of all phenomena without being lustful or averse towards them.
This evaluation of seven enlightenment factors is one of the "Seven Sets" of "Enlightenment-related states" (bodhipakkhiyadhamma).
The Pali word bojjhanga is a compound of bodhi ("enlightenment") and anga ("factor").[2]
Satta sambojjhaṅgā:
- satta - seven;
- bodh - an abstract noun formed from the verbal root *budh- (to awake, become aware, notice, know or understand) corresponding to the verbs bujjhati (Pāli) and bodhati or budhyate (Sanskrit);
- aṅga - a part of a whole; factor, cause.[3]
Pali literature[edit]
In the Sutta Pitaka's Samyutta Nikaya, the bojjhangas refer to wholesome, mundane factors leading to enlightenment. In the Abhidhamma and Pali commentaries, the bojjhangas tend to refer to supramundane factors concurrent with enlightenment.[4]
Sutta Pitaka[edit]
According to one discourse in the Samyutta Nikaya entitled "Bhikkhu Sutta" (SN 46.5):
- [Bhikkhu:] "Venerable sir, it is said, 'factors of enlightenment, factors of enlightenment.' In what sense are they called factors of enlightenment?"
- [Buddha:] "They lead to enlightenment, bhikkhu, therefore they are called factors of enlightenment...."[5]
During meditation, one may contemplate the seven Factors of Enlightenment as well as on their antithesis, the Five Hindrances (sensual pleasure, ill-will, sloth-torpor, restlessness-worry, doubt).[6] In addition, one Samyutta Nikaya sutta identifies developing each of the enlightenment factors accompanied by each of the four brahma viharas (lovingkindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity).[7]
In the Samyutta Nikaya's "Fire Discourse," the Buddha identifies that mindfulness is "always useful" (sabbatthika); while, when one's mind is sluggish, one should develop the enlightenment factors of investigation, energy and joy; and, when one's mind is excited, one should develop the enlightenment factors of tranquility, concentration and equanimity.[8]
Again according to the Samyutta Nikaya, once when the Buddha was gravely ill he asked Venerable Mahacunda to recite the seven Factors of Enlightenment to him. In such a way the Buddha was cured of his illness.[9]
Abhidhamma and commentarial literature[edit]
In the Visuddhimagga, in a section discussing skills needed for the attainment and maintenance of absorption (jhana), Buddhaghosa identifies the bojjhangas in the following fashion:
- "Strong mindfulness ... is needed in all instances...."
- "When his mind is slack with over-laxness of energy, etc., then ... he should develop those [three enlightenment factors] beginning with investigation-of-states..." (i.e., dhamma vicaya, viriya, piti).
- "When his mind is agitated through over-energeticness, etc., then ... he should develop those [three enlightenment factors] beginning with tranquility..." (i.e., passaddhi, samadhi, upekkha).[10]
Balancing enlightenment factors & hindrances | |
| to be used when experiencing sloth & torpor (thīna-middha) to regain mindfulness |
| the balancing factor |
| to be used when experiencing restlessness & worry (uddhacca-kukkucca) to regain mindfulness |
In Meditation everyone most likely experiences two of the five hindrances (Pāli: pañca nīvaraṇāni). They are sloth and torpor (Pāli: thīna-middha), which is half-hearted action with little or no collectedness, and restlessness and worry (uddhacca-kukkucca), which is the inability to calm the mind.[citation needed]
As indicated above, in the "Fire Discourse" (SN 46.53), it is recommended that joy or rapture, investigation, and energy are to be developed when experiencing sloth and torpor. Relaxation, concentration, and equanimity are to be developed when experiencing restlessness or worry. Mindfulness should be constantly present to remain aware of physical change as well as mental change in either skillful or unskillful direction.[8]
37 DHAMMĀ of ENLIGHTENMENT | |||||||||
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4 satipaṭṭhāna | |||||||||
4 Efforts | 4 Bases | ||||||||
5 Faculties | 5 Powers | ||||||||
7 Factors | |||||||||
8 Path Factors | |||||||||
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