T1521_.26.0063a02: 是在家菩薩敬禮塔已。求造諸比丘説法
T1521_.26.0063a03: 者。所持律者。讀修多羅者。讀摩多羅迦
T1521_.26.0063a04: 者。讀菩薩藏者。作阿練若者。著納衣者。乞
T1521_.26.0063a05: 食者。一食者。常坐者。過中不飮漿者。但三
T1521_.26.0063a06: 衣者。著褐衣者。隨敷坐者。在樹下者。在
T1521_.26.0063a07: 塚間者。在空地者。少欲者。知足者。遠離者。
T1521_.26.0063a08: 坐禪者。勸化者。應各隨諸比丘所行奉事。
T1521_.26.0063a09: 若至讀阿毘曇者所。隨其所説諸法性相
T1521_.26.0063a10: 相應不相應等請問所疑。問已習學。若遇
T1521_.26.0063a11: 持律者。應當請問起罪因縁罪之輕重滅罪
T1521_.26.0063a12: 之法及阿2波陀那事。問已修學3行。若遇讀
T1521_.26.0063a13: 修多羅者。應當請問諸阿含諸部中義習
T1521_.26.0063a14: 學多聞。若遇讀摩多羅迦應利衆經憂陀那
T1521_.26.0063a15: 4波羅延法句者。應當學習如是等經。若
T1521_.26.0063a16: 遇讀菩薩藏者。應當請問六波羅蜜及方
T1521_.26.0063a17: 便事問已修學。若遇阿練若。應學其遠離
T1521_.26.0063a18: 法。若遇坐禪者。應學其坐禪法。餘諸比丘
T1521_.26.0063a19: 亦應如是隨其所行請問5修學無所違
T1521_.26.0063a20: 逆。攝護口者詣諸比丘應善攝口安6詳默
T1521_.26.0063a21: 然。觀時觀土隨事思惟心不錯亂少於語
T1521_.26.0063a22: 言。又於説法者所。諸比丘等隨所乏少。若
T1521_.26.0063a23: 衣若鉢若尼師壇。資生之物隨力而施無所
T1521_.26.0063a24: 7匱惜。所以者何。菩薩尚應施諸惡人。何況
T1521_.26.0063a25: 比丘有功徳者。乃至身肉猶當不惜。況復
T1521_.26.0063a26: 外物。助道因縁。
Basic Meaning: (Skt. mātṛkā)
- Transliteration of the Sanskrit, meaning mother; translated as 本母, 行母, 行母, etc. Literally a mother, in the sense of being a source, origin, or matrix; used in Buddhist discourse to refer to scriptural sources, especially the śāstras. There are a few different senses in which this is used. [Charles Muller; source(s): Soothill]
- The Abhidharma-piṭaka, as the mother of Buddhist philosophy. The scriptures as the 'mother of wisdom.' (Skt. mātali) Translated as 論藏. 〔一切經音義 T 2128.54.706c11〕 [Charles Muller; source(s): Soothill]
- List(s) with central doctrinal terms such as the bodhipakkhiya dhammas, used for the purpose of memorization and as teaching material. The Abhidharmas of the different schools probably have their origin in such mātikās. (cf. the Mūla-Sarvâstivāda Vinaya 根本說一切有部毘奈耶雜事 T 1451.24.408b06). [Anālayo]
- Also transliterated as 摩憺理迦, 摩憺理伽, 摩室里迦, 摩德勒伽, 摩侄梨迦, 摩憺履迦, 摩怛履迦, 摩呾里迦, 摩夷, 摩得勒伽, 摩多羅迦, 摩窒里迦, 摩低梨迦. [Charles Muller]