완렴나립 [頑廉懦立]
[한자 뜻과 음] 완고할 완, 청렴할 렴, 나약할 나, 설 립.
욕심이 많은 자도 淸廉(청렴)해지고
懦弱(나약)한 사람도 분기함.
다른 사람의 높은 기풍에 감화됨.
출전 孟子(맹자).
한자성어•고사명언구사전용어해설 > 인문과학
완렴나립 [頑廉懶立]
≪맹자(孟子)≫ 만장(萬章)에 나오는 글로, 완악한 자로 하여금 염치있게 하고, 게으른 자는 뜻을 세우게 한다는 뜻.
頑廉懦立 [완렴나립] 출전
이욕(利慾)을 탐하는 사람도 청렴(淸廉)하게 되고, 나약(懦弱)한 자도 분기(憤氣)하게 된다는...
萬章下: | 孟子曰:「伯夷,目不視惡色,耳不聽惡聲。非其君不事,非其民不使。治則進,亂則退。橫政之所出,橫民之所止,不忍居也。思與鄉人處,如以朝衣朝冠坐於塗炭也。當紂之時,居北海之濱,以待天下之清也。故聞伯夷之風者,頑夫廉,懦夫有立志。 Mencius said, 'Bo Yi伯夷 would not allow his eyes to look on a bad sight, nor his ears to listen to a bad sound. He would not serve a prince whom he did not approve, nor command a people whom he did not esteem. In a time of good government he took office, and on the occurrence of confusion he retired. He could not bear to dwell either in a court from which a lawless government emanated, or among lawless people. He considered his being in the same place with a villager, as if he were to sit amid mud and coals with his court robes and court cap. In the time of Zhou he dwelt on the shores of the North sea, waiting the purification of the kingdom. Therefore when men now hear the character of Bo Yi伯夷, the corrupt頑 become pure廉, and the weak懦 acquire determination. |