하인리히의 법칙(Heinrich's law)은 통계를 통해 이를 입증하였다.
보험사의 직원인 허버트 하인리히(Herbert William Heinrich, 1866~1962)는 수많은 산업재해 사례를 분석하면서 사상자가 1명 나올 경우 그 사건이 발생하기 이전에 같은 원인으로 경상자 29명, 잠재적 부상자가 300명이 발생한다는 사실을 발견하였다. 이에 이를 1: 29: 300 법칙이라고도 부른다.
Herbert William Heinrich
Herbert William Heinrich (October 6, 1886 – June 22, 1962) was an American industrial safety pioneer from the 1930s.
He was born on October 6, 1886 in Bennington, Vermont.
He was an Assistant Superintendent of the Engineering and Inspection Division of Travelers Insurance Company when he published his book Industrial Accident Prevention, A Scientific Approach in 1931.[1][2] One empirical finding from his 1931 book became known as Heinrich's Law: that in a workplace, for every accident that causes a major injury, there are 29 accidents that cause minor injuries and 300 accidents that cause no injuries.[3]
Heinrich died on June 22, 1962, at the age of 76.
Heinrich's Law
Heinrich's work is claimed as the basis for the theory of behavior-based safety by some experts of this field, which holds that as many as 95 percent of all workplace accidents are caused by unsafe acts. Heinrich came to this conclusion after reviewing thousands of accident reports completed by supervisors, who generally blamed workers for causing accidents without conducting detailed investigations into the root causes.[4]
While Heinrich's figure that 88 percent of all workplace accidents and injuries/illnesses are caused by "man-failure" is perhaps his most oft-cited conclusion, his book actually encouraged employers to control hazards, not merely focus on worker behaviors. "No matter how strongly the statistical records emphasize personal faults or how imperatively the need for educational activity is shown, no safety procedure is complete or satisfactory that does not provide for the . . . correction or elimination of . . . physical hazards," Heinrich wrote in his book.[5] Emphasizing this aspect of workplace safety, Heinrich devoted 100 pages of his work to the subject of machine guarding.[2]
His research is criticized by some, such as Bruce Main and William Edwards Deming, for being outdated and unscientific. Main thinks that Heinrich's Law should be replaced by a model that emphasizes safety in design, compared to the former's emphasis on behavior.[4]
Heinrich's classic work has been revised into the more recent book,
Roos, Nestor R.; Heinrich, H.; Brown, Julienne; Petersen, Dan; Hazlett, Susan (1980). Industrial accident prevention: a safety management approach. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-028061-4.
Two later books challenge the findings and conclusions of Heinrich.