Sanskrit Numbers From 1 to 20
Alright, Let us learn how to count numbers. Learning numbers is not only fun it is important. Look at the certain numbers like three and nine which is threeni and nava respectively. They sound very similar, aren't they? It makes it easy to remeber!
1. one एकम् (ekam)
2. Two द्वे (dve)
3.Three त्रीणि (treeni)
4. Four चत्वारि (chatvaari)
5. Five पञ्च (pancha)
6. Six षट् (shat)
7. Seven सप्त (sapta)
8. Eight अष्ट (ashta)
9. Nine नव (nava)
10. Ten दश (dasha)
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2017. 10. 6. - warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/learn29/public_html/Sanskrit Numbers 1 to 20 - YouTube
2016. 7. 19. - 업로더: Rithvik Raavi
Sanskrit Numbers 1 to 20. Rithvik Raavi. Loading... Unsubscribe from Rithvik Raavi? Cancel Unsubscribe ...Learn Sanskrit counting 1 to 20- numbers अंकानि at home - YouTube
2017. 4. 22. - 업로더: Sanskrit guru
Learn Sanskrit counting 1 to 20- numbers अंकानि at home aiye aaj hum ghar par hi ISS video ki sahayata se Sanskrit ...Sanskrit Counting 1 to 12 - YouTube
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4:38 · Sanskrit Counting 1 to 12 - Duration: 2:18. Lakshya Yoga 58,713 views · 2:Learn Sanskrit Counting 1 to 100- Numbers अंकानि - YouTube
2015. 2. 27. - 업로더: Samskrit24x7 me the counting from 1 to 20 in sanskrit - › Secondary School › Hindi이 페이지 번역하기
2017. 3. 16. - give me the counting from 1 to 20 in sanskrit - 1120821.