카테고리 없음

가전연경과 불이중도(중국논문)

VIS VITALIS 2018. 5. 4. 13:07

一、緒論 3
二、〈迦旃延氏經〉的文獻概觀與經文要旨 4
三、〈迦旃延氏經〉的梵文本語詞分析、白話翻譯、梵漢對照 5
四、〈迦旃延氏經〉的不二中道學理 24
五、結論 29

本文以〈迦旃延氏經〉(Skt. Kātyāyana-sūtra / Pāli, Kaccānagotta-sutta)為依據,進行梵文本的語詞分析與白話翻譯、梵文本與漢譯本的逐句對照、以及內在於文本的不二中道學理之建構。在論述的行文,由如下的五節串連而成。第一節,「緒論」,開門見山,帶出研究主題,並且逐一交代論文的構想與輪廓。第二節,分成文獻概觀與經文要旨這二個小節,扼要呈現〈迦旃延氏經〉的文獻與文本。第三節,根據〈迦旃延氏經〉現存的梵文本,進行逐句的語詞分析與白話翻譯,並且順著梵文本的斷句,拿《雜阿含經.第301經》,做成逐句的對照。第四節,深入解讀佛教經典的義理內涵,以內在於文本的思惟條理的方式,建構〈迦旃延氏經〉的不二中道學理。第五節,「結論」,總結本文的要點。

Employing the Kātyāyana-sūtra as the main literary source, this article explores Buddhist non-dualistic middle way doctrine by rendering a word-for-word translation and philosophical interpretation. This article is divided into five sections. Section one offers a broad outline of this article’s argument and a breakdown of its individual sections. Section two briefly introduces literary genres and textual themes of the Kātyāyana-sūtra. Along the lines of grammatical analysis and textual comparison, section three provides a new Chinese translation of the extant Sanskrit version of the Kātyāyana-sūtra. Section four constructs the doctrine of non-dualistic middle way in the Kātyāyana-sūtra. Section five concludes and summarizes the main points of this article.


가전연씨경 범한대조 불이중도.pdf

가전연씨경 범한대조 불이중도.pdf