미국∙영국 [draɪv] 영국식
과거 drove|과거분사 driven|현재분사 driving|3인칭 단수 현재 drives
명사형 drivability | driveability|형용사형 drivable | driveable
[동사] go (by car), ride (by car), motor, … [명사] run, ride, trip, … 더보기
동사(drove / drəUv ; 美 droUv / , driven / 'drIvn /), (참고: ground n. , hard adj. , snow n.)
VEHICLE | (차량을) 몰다, 운전하다
Can you drive?
운전할 줄 아니?
Don't drive so fast!
그렇게 빨리 몰지[달리지] 마!
I drove to work this morning.
나는 오늘 아침 차를 몰고[직접 운전해서] 출근했다.
Shall we drive or go by train?
차를 갖고 갈까 아니면 기차로 갈까?
He drives a taxi.
그는 택시를 몬다[운전한다].
VEHICLE | [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] 태워다 주다
Could you drive me home?
저를 집까지 태워다 주실 수 있으세요?
VEHICLE | [타동사][VN] (특정한 형태의 차량을) 소유하다[쓰다]
What car do you drive?
당신 차는 어떤 건가요?
MACHINE | [타동사][VN] [주로 수동태로] (기계에) 동력을 공급하다
a steam-driven locomotive
증기(로 달리는) 기관차
MAKE SB DO STH | [타동사][VN] (사람을 특정한 방식의 행동을 하도록) 만들다[몰아붙이다]
The urge to survive drove them on.
살아남고자 하는 강한 욕구가 그들을 계속하게 만들었다.
You're driving yourself too hard.
넌 네 자신을 너무 심하게 몰아붙이고 있어.
MAKE SB DO STH | (극단적이 되도록) 만들다[몰아가다]
to drive sb crazy/mad/insane
~를 미치게 만들다
Hunger drove her to steal.
배고픔이 그녀를 도둑질을 하도록 몰아갔다.
Those kids are driving me to despair.
저 아이들 때문에 내가 두 손 들겠어.
It's enough to drive you to drink.
그것은 충분히 사람으로 하여금 술에 손을 대게 할 만한 일이다.
MAKE SB/STH MOVE | [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] (어떤 방향으로) 몰다
to drive sheep into a field
양을 들판으로 몰아넣다
The enemy was driven back.
적들은 몰려서 후퇴했다.
This is the main factor driving investment in the area.
이것이 그 지역의 투자를 추진시키는 주된 요소이다.
HIT/PUSH | [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] 밀어[박아] 넣다
to drive a nail into a piece of wood
나무토막 속에 못을 박아 넣다
MAKE A HOLE | [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] (굴 등을) 뚫다[파다]
They drove a tunnel through the solid rock.
그들은 단단한 암석 속으로 터널을 뚫었다.
IN SPORT | (공을) 세게 차다[치다]
to drive the ball into the rough
(골프에서) 세게 친 공이 덤불 속으로 들어가다
WIND/WATER | [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] 몰아가다
Huge waves drove the yacht onto the rocks.
그 요트는 거대한 파도에 휩쓸리는 바람에 암초에 걸렸다.
WIND/WATER | [자동사][V + adv. / prep.] 돌진[질주]하다
The waves drove against the shore.
파도가 해안으로 거세게 밀려왔다.
IN/OF VEHICLE | [C] 드라이브, 자동차 여행[주행]
Let's go for a drive.
드라이브 하러 가요.
It's a three-hour drive to London.
런던까지는 차로 세 시간 걸린다.
IN/OF VEHICLE | [C , U] (차량의) 구동 장치
the drive shaft
a car with four-wheel drive
4륜 구동 자동차
a left-/right-hand drive car
운전대가 왼쪽/오른쪽에 있는 승용차
OUTSIDE HOUSE | [C] (drive・way) (주택의) 진입로
There were two cars parked in/on the drive.
진입로에 승용차가 두 대 주차되어 있었다.
EFFORT | [C] ~ (for sth) | ~ (to do sth) (조직적인) 운동
a recruitment/export/economy drive
회원 모집/수출/절약 운동
a drive for greater efficiency
효율성 증진 운동
the government's drive to reduce energy consumption
정부의 에너지 소비 절약 운동
DESIRE/ENERGY | [C , U] 충동, 욕구
a strong sexual drive
강한 성적 충동
DESIRE/ENERGY | [U] (호감) 투지; 추진력
He'll do very well—he has tremendous drive.
그는 아주 잘 할 거예요. 투지가 대단하니까.
IN SPORT | [C] 긴 강타, 드라이브 (샷・슛)
She has a strong forehand drive.
그녀는 포핸드 드라이브가 강력하다.
He scored with a brilliant 25-yard drive.
그는 멋진 25야드짜리 드라이브로 득점을 올렸다.
COMPUTING | [C] 드라이브 참고 disk drive
a 250GB hard drive
250기가바이트 하드 드라이브
a CD drive
시디 드라이브
GAMES | [C] (英) (휘스트(whist)・빙고(bingo) 등의) 시합[대회]
ANIMALS/ENEMY | [C] (사냥감・적을 잡기 위한) 몰이
ROAD | (약어:Dr) Drive (도로 명에 쓰이는) 드라이브
21 Island Heights Drive
아일랜드 하이츠 드라이브 21번지
And she said, "I suppose you've heard about Alice"
So I rushed to the window and I looked outside
And I could hardly believe my eyes
As a big Limousine rolled up into Alice's drive
Oh, I don't know why she's leaving or where she's gonna go
I guess she's got her reasons but I just don't wanna know
'Cos for twenty-four years I've been living next door to Alice
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance
To tell her how I feel and maybe get a second glance
Now I've gotta get used to not living next door to Alice
We grew up together, two kids in the park
We carved our initials, deep in the bark, me and Alice
Now she walks through the door with her head held high
Just for a moment, I caught her eye
As the big Limousine pulled slowly out of Alice's drive
Oh, I don't know why she's leaving or where she's gonna go
I guess she's got her reasons but I just don't wanna know
'Cos for twenty-four years I've been living next door to Alice
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance
To tell her how I feel and maybe get a second glance
Now I've gotta get used to not living next door to Alice
Sally called back and asked how I felt
And she said, "I know how to help, get over Alice"
She said, "Now Alice is gone but I'm still here
You know I've been waiting for twenty-four years"
And the big Limousine dissapeared
Oh, I don't know why she's leaving or where she's gonna go
I guess she's got her reasons but I just don't wanna know
'Cos for twenty-four years I've been living next door to Alice
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance
To tell her how I feel, and maybe get a second glance
Now I've gotta get used to not living next door to Alice
Now I'll never get used to not living next door to Alice