카테고리 없음


VIS VITALIS 2017. 6. 20. 07:26



(Skt.; Pāli, a flood).

Term denoting negative moral and mental qualities, such as ignorance and vain desires.that impede a person on the path to enlightenment (bodhi). Various such qualities are identified and grouped into lists, originally of five and later of four. The later designation, that of the ‘four floods’, is identical with that of the four ‘outflows’ (āśrava) namely sense-desires (kāmāśrava), the desire for continued existence (bhavāśrava), wrong views (dṛṣṭāśrava), and ignorance (avidyāśrava)

오타니(大谷) 대학의 아라마키 노리토시(荒牧俊典) 교수는 붓다가 인간존재를 윤회의 폭류(ogha)에 휩쓸려 표류하는 구멍 난 배에 비유