Digital Dictionary of Buddhism
Established July, 1995: Updated monthly
DDB Entry Total (2017/2/28): 67,249
Collaborators and Contributors
DDB-xml search engine © 2010 by Michael Beddow—
[non-members can log in with "guest"]
Topical Indexes
Radical (部首)
Total Strokes (總畫)
TermsTextsPersonsTemplesSchoolsPlacesNames (gods, buddhas, bodhisattvas, demons, etc.)
East Asian Language Pronunciations
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About the DDB
- Introduction (日本語)
- Access Policies and Registration
- How to Contribute
- Subscribe to the DDB Newsletter
- Subscribing Libraries
- Citing the DDB and CJKV-E Dictionaries
- Lexicographical and Canonical References
- Comprehensive East Asian Buddhist Reference Works Combined Index Project ("Allindex")
- Background Papers
- Critique of Wikipedia
External Resources: Lexical
- CJKV-English Dictionary
- Bauddhakośa (Buddhist Terms Project)
- Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
- Monier-Williams (local cache)
- The online Tibetan to English Dictionary and Translation Tool
- Thesaurus Linguae Sericae An Historical and Comparative Encyclopaedia of Chinese Conceptual Schemes
- Nitartha Tibetan-English Dictionary
- Pali-English Dictionary (Pali Text Society)
- Anglo-Norman Hub (a dictionary delivered based on the same basic Perl+XSLT technology by Michael Beddow)
External Resources: Textual Databases and Collections
- SAT Taishō shinshū daizōkyō (Japan—linked with DDB)
- CBETA (Taishō plus other collections)
- Korean Tripitaka
- Korean Buddhism: Collected Works (Hanguk bulgyo jeonseo)
- IRIZ Zen Texts (Hanazono University)
- Thesaurus Literaturae Buddhicae (Jens Braarvig)
External Resources: Searchable Article and Bibliographical Databases
- H-Buddhism Zotero Bibliography: (maintained by the members of H-Buddhism)
- Article Database of the Japan Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies
Edited by A. Charles Muller
Web Implementation by Michael Beddow
Last modified: (2017-01-02 13:03:34 Tokyo Standard Time)