카테고리 없음

Nick Offerman Recites a Poem

VIS VITALIS 2017. 1. 23. 19:03

Firewood, oh firewood, you are my one true friend
I love to chop you in my yard, and stack you end to end
Up and down, and up again, I swing my trusty axe
Splitting each piece right in half, with the sound of my mighty thwacks
And when that pile gets high enough, I’ll shed a single tear
For there is no wood left to chop, yet I am still right here
I’ll bring that wood inside my house, beside the fireplace
And build a fire so damn hot, it’ll singe the brows right off your face
Firewood, oh firewood, today you’ve served me well
I’ll crack open a cold beer, and I’ll see all you sons of bitches in hell


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