카테고리 없음

갈마다나(karmadāna 授事), 유나. karma(事)dāna(授)=維那. 羯磨陀那karmadāna=授事. 毘訶羅波羅vihara-pala=護寺

VIS VITALIS 2016. 11. 24. 13:30

寺內但以最老上座sthavira而為尊主。不論其德。諸有門鑰每宵封印。將付上座sthavira。更無別置寺主vihārasvāmin維那karmadana。但造寺之人名為寺主vihārasvāmin。梵云 毘訶羅莎弭vihārasvāmin。若作番直典掌寺門及和僧白事者。名毘訶羅波羅vihara-pala。譯為護寺vihāra-pāla。若鳴[42]健稚gaṇḍī及監食者。名為 羯磨陀那karmadāna。譯為授事。言維那者略也。 (CBETA, T51, no. 2066, p. 5, c21-27)


《大唐西域求法高僧傳》卷1:「更無別置寺主維那。但造寺之人名為寺主。梵云毘訶羅莎弭。若作番直典掌寺門及和僧白事者。名毘訶羅波羅。譯為護寺。若鳴[42]健稚及監食者。名為羯磨陀那。譯為授事。言維那者略也。」(CBETA, T51, no. 2066, p. 5, c23-27) [42]健=犍【宋】【元】【明】【宮】。



건치[ 健稚 gaṇḍī chanta] 고대 인도에 있던 악기. 건추, 건지라고도 한다. 원래 목제로 돼 있는 것으로서 대중을 모으는 시간을 알리는데 쓰인다.

[네이버 지식백과] 건치 [健稚] (문화콘텐츠닷컴 (문화원형 용어사전), 2012., 한국콘텐츠진흥원)

《南海寄歸內法傳》卷3:「每至晨時寺嗚[14]健稚令僧徒洗浴,人皆自持浴裙,或千或百俱出寺外,散向諸池各為澡浴。」(CBETA, T54, no. 2125, p. 220, c15-17) [14]健稚=揵稚【宋】【元】,=揵椎【明】。


《大唐西域求法高僧傳》卷1:「寺內但以最老上座sthavira而為尊主。不論其德。諸有門鑰每宵封印。將付上座sthavira。更無別置寺主viharasvamin維那karmadana。但造寺之人名為寺主viharasvamin。梵云 毘訶羅莎弭viharasvamin。若作番直典掌寺門及和僧白事者。名毘訶羅波羅vihara-pala。譯為護寺vihara-pala。若鳴[42]健稚及監食者。名為 羯磨陀那karmadana。譯為授事。言維那者略也。」(CBETA, T51, no. 2066, p. 5, c21-27)


《南海寄歸內法傳》卷4:「但西國諸寺灌沐尊儀,每於禺中之時,授事便鳴[5]健稚(授事者,梵云羯磨陀那。陀那是授,羯磨是事。意道以眾雜事指授於人。舊云維那者,非也。維是[6]唐語,意道綱維。那是梵音,略去羯磨陀[7]字),寺庭張施寶蓋,殿側羅列香瓶,取金銀銅石之像置以銅金[8]木石槃,內令諸妓女奏其音樂,塗以磨香灌以香水(取栴檀沈水香木之輩,於礎石上以水磨使成泥,用塗像身,方持水灌),以淨白[9]疊而揩拭之,然後安置殿中布諸花[10]綵。此乃寺眾之儀,令羯磨陀那作矣。然於房房之內自浴尊儀,日日皆為,要心無闕。但是草木之花咸將奉獻,無論冬夏芬馥恒然,市肆之間賣者亦眾。且如東夏,蓮華石竹則夏秋散彩,金荊桃杏乃春日敷榮,木槿石榴隨時代發,朱櫻[11]素柰逐節揚葩。園觀蜀葵之流、山莊香草之類,必須持來布列,無宜遙指樹園,冬景片時或容闕乏。剪諸繒綵坌以名香,設在尊前斯實佳也。至於銅像無問小大,須細灰甎末揩拭光明,清水灌之澄華若鏡。大者月半月盡合眾共為,小者隨己所能每須洗沐,斯則所費雖少而福利尤多。其浴像之水,[12]即舉以兩指瀝自頂上,斯謂吉祥之水,冀求勝利。奉獻殘花不合持嗅,[13]棄水棄花不應履踐,可於淨處而傾置之。豈容白首終年,尊像曾不揩沐;紅花遍野,本自無心奉薦。而[14]遂省嬾作,遙指池園即休;畏苦惰為,開堂普敬便罷。此則師資絕緒,遂使致敬無由。造泥制底及拓摸泥像,或印絹紙隨處供養,或積為聚以塼裹之即成佛塔,或置空野任其銷散,西方法俗莫不以此為業。又復凡造形像及以制底,金銀銅鐵泥漆甎石或聚沙雪。當作之時,中安二種舍利:一謂大師身骨、二謂緣起法頌。其頌曰。 「諸法從緣起,  如來說是因;  彼法因緣盡,  是大沙門說。」」(CBETA, T54, no. 2125, p. 226, b18-c22) [5]健=楗【宋】【元】,=揵【明】。[6]唐=周【宋】【元】【明】。[7]字+(也)【宋】【元】【明】。[8]木石槃=石木盤【宋】【元】【明】。[9]疊=㲲【宋】【元】【明】。[10]綵=彩【宋】【元】【明】。[11]素=李【宋】【元】【明】。[12]〔即〕-【宋】【元】【明】。[13]〔棄水〕-【宋】【元】【明】。[14]遂=逐【宋】【元】【明】。

karma - da^na 維那師, 羯摩和尚







유나 (維那)

梵語 「羯磨陀那」의 약칭. 또는 강유·차제·수사·지사·열중·사호라 고도 함.

寺中 삼강의 하나. 사중의 사무를 맡아보는 직임(職任)

대중의 기강을 유지하며 안팎의 절 일을 골고루 관장한다.

Hyakujo’s Fox

Whenever Hyakujo delivered a Zen lecture, an old man was always there with the monks listening to it; and when they left the Hall, so did he. one day, however, he remained behind, and Hyakujo asked,”Who are you?”

The old man replied,”Yes, I am not a human being, but in the far distant past, when the Kashapa Buddha (the Sixth Buddha of the Seven Ancient Buddhas) preached in this world, I was the head monk in this mountain area. on one occasion a monk asked me whether an enlightened man could fall again under the law of karma (cause and effect), and I answered that he could not. Thus I became a fox for 500 rebirths and am still a fox. I beg you to release me from this condition through your Zen words.”

Then he asked Hyakujo,”Is an enlightened man subject to the law of karma?” Hyakujo answered, “No one is free from the law of Karma.”

At the words of Hyakujo the old man was enlightened, and said with a bow, “I am now released from rebirth as a fox and my body will be found on the other side of the mountain. May I request that you bury me as a dead monk?”

The next day Hyakujo had the Karmadana, or deacon, beat the clapper and he informed the monks that after the midday meal there would be a funeral service for a dead monk. “No one was sick or died,” wondered the monks. “What does our Roshi mean?” After they had eaten, Hyakujo led them to the foot of a rock on the furthest side of the mountain, and with his staff poked the dead body of a fox and had it ritually cremated.

In the evening Hyakujo gave a talk to the monks and told them this story of the law of Karma. Upon hearing the story, Obaku asked Hyakujo, “You said that because a long time ago an old Zen master gave a wrong answer he became a fox for 500 rebirths. But suppose every time he answered he had not made a mistake, what would have happened then?” Hyakujo replied, “Just come here to me, and I will tell you the answer!” Obaku then went up to Hyakujo–and slapped the teacher’s face. Hyakujo, clapping his hands and laughing, exclaimed, “I thought the Persian had a red beard, but here is another one with a red beard!”

Mumon’s Comment:

“The enlightened man is not subject to Karma.” How can this answer make the monk a fox? “The enlightened man is not free from the law of karma.” How can this answer release him from his fox’s life? If you have one eye in regard to this, then you understand Hyakujo’s (the old man’s) dramatic 500 rebirths.

Free from karma or subject to it,
They are two sides of the same die.
Subject to karma or free from it,
Both are irredeemable errors.

