Although Snowden has been vindicated in many quarters, he’s still controversial to some, and the technical universe he inhabited is slightly impenetrable to admirers and detractors alike.

Verb[vn], (격식)
- 1.
I have every confidence that this decision will be fully vindicated.
나는 이 결정의 정당성이 충분히 입증될 것임을 전적으로 확신한다.
- 2.
New evidence emerged, vindicating him completely.
새로운 증거가 나타나서 그의 혐의를 완전히 벗겨 주었다.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt heads an all-star cast in Oliver Stone's version of the life of controversial whistleblower Edward Snowden.
Oliver Stone has rarely been known for reticence and restraint, but the big problem withSnowden, his rendering of the story of whistleblower Edward Snowden, is that it’s earnest, decorous and — dare we say — a tad dull. Of course Snowden’s story is by now pretty familiar from news reportage and from Laura Poitras’ Oscar-winning documentary, Citizenfour. Even an award-winning documentary is only seen by a relatively small number of people, so there’s an argument to be made for dramatizing the story with expensive production values and well-known actors portraying the characters. Although Snowden has been vindicated in many quarters, he’s still controversial to some, and the technical universe he inhabited is slightly impenetrable to admirers and detractors alike. So it’s hard to imagine hordes of people rushing to see his story onscreen again, especially when told in such a hushed and bloodless manner.
Snowden himself was something of a geek and technocrat, not the kind of flamboyant figure who populated many of Stone’s earlier movies. And Joseph Gordon-Levitt does a good job of disappearing into the guarded, self-contained character. But he’s not the kind of character who will draw intense audience empathy. And the pedestrian, sometimes disjointed script written by Stone and Kieran Fitzgerald doesn’t do the actor any favors.
- 1.
a heavily/densely/sparsely/thinly populated country
인구 밀도가 아주 높은/조밀한/희박한/낮은 국가
The island is populated largely by sheep.
그 섬에는 양이 아주 많이 살고 있다.
the amazing characters that populate her novels
그녀의 소설들에 나오는 놀라운 인물들
- 2.
The French began to populate the island in the 15th century.
프랑스인들이 15세기에 그 섬으로 이주하기 시작했다.
- 3.