카테고리 없음

reticence (성격적인) 과묵

VIS VITALIS 2016. 10. 9. 10:28
  • reticence 
    미국·영국 [rétəsəns] 발음듣기 다른 뜻(1건) 예문보기
    (성격적인) 과묵, 말수가 적음; (입을) 조심함 ((of))
  • 프랑스어사전
    [ʀetisɑ̃ːs] 발음듣기 예문보기
    [여성명사] 1. 망설임,주저 = hésitation 2. [옛] 할 말을 일부러 안 하기 3. 묵설법

    Oliver Stone has rarely been known for reticence and restraint, but the big problem withSnowden, his rendering of the story of whistleblower Edward Snowden, is that it’s earnest, decorous and — dare we say — a tad dull.