Title only:
賢首諸乘法數 Title only:
Kenju shojō hossū Title Natural Sort:
増補賢首諸乘法數 / 行深編集 Zōho kenju shojō hossū / Gyōjin henshū Location | Call Num | Availability | Item Added | ||||
Call Num: BQ133.X56 1800 v.1-2 | Book | Availability: | Item Added: 07/13/2012 |
Title (Alternatives):
Zōho kenju shojō hossū
Zōho hossū
京都 : 藤井文正堂 : 山城屋佐兵衛, 寬政12 [1800] Publisher:
Kyōto : Fujii Bunseidō : Yamashiroya Saheē, Kansei 12 [1800] Description:
2 v. ; 26 cm. Notes:
First preface dated 宣德丁未[1427] Notes:
Second preface by 姑蘇寧境華嚴住山沙門天臺梵翱, dated 洪武丁卯[1387] Notes:
"鈴木半兵衛,同治右衛門,菱屋孫兵衛,貞享二年[1685]龍集乙丑仲春吉辰,寬政12年 [1800] 求板"-- End of text. Notes:
Caption title. Notes:
Needs resewing. Notes:
Library's set wormed, with loss of text. Notes:
In Chinese Notes:
on double leaves, East Asian style thread-bound. Notes:
2 v. in one case. Notes:
Library's set has "吉田家藏本印" and "空傳" stamped. Language:
Japanese Added to DB:
07/13/2012 OCLC No: