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nescience 무명이란 오해와 편견에 사로잡혀 부적절한 사고와 정서에 휩쓸리는 경우

VIS VITALIS 2016. 9. 21. 19:58
  • nescience 
    미국식 [néʃəns,-ʃiəns] 발음듣기 영국식 [nésiəns] 발음듣기 예문보기
    1. 무지(ignorance)   2. 불가지론(agnosticism)
  • 프랑스어사전
    [nesjɑ̃ːs] 발음듣기 다른 뜻(1건)
    [여성명사] [옛] 무식,무지


    십이연기의 무명이란 괴로움을 불러일으키는 능동적인 힘을 지닌다. 이것은 어떠한 사실에 대해 순박하게 모르는 차원에 머무는 것이 아니다. 무명이란 오해와 편견에 사로잡혀 부적절한 사고와 정서에 휩쓸리는 경우를 가리킨다. 

    십이연기는 깨달음을 이미 실현한 상태에서 얻는 통찰의 내용

    130. Satkaya Dristi

    Acharya Mahayogi Sridhar Rana Rinpoche

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    Now let us go into greater detail on avidhya (nescience). The chain/link says conditioned by avidhya arises sanskaras or the conditioned habitual patterns. Before we go into sanskaras, let us go into the details of avidhya (nescience) itself. Now we shall enter into the Mahayana explanations.

    In the Madhyamak Avatar Bhasya, the great Chandrakriti said: a yogi sees in one's mind the kleshas and faults arise from Satkaya Dristi (Tibetan for jig Tshogs La tawa/ false view of the transitory agregates). Thus having understood that the object of Satkaya Dristi is the Atman, he negates the Atman.

    Now, there are two words here that we need to clearly understand before we can move forward. one is the Sanskrit technical term Satkaya Dristi and the second is Atman. We have already detailed the meaning of the world Atman from the general Hindu and the Vedantic point of view. Although the Buddhist view of Atman is based on the very same Hindu concept. Buddhism also uses this word in another way, which needs to be clarified. But first of all let us go into what is termed as Satkaya Dristi/the false view of the transitory aggregates.

    Asanga had defined Satkaya Dristi in his Abhidharma Samucchaya as: Satkaya Dristi is the admission, inclination, idea, point of view, opinion of him who considers the pancha upadan skanda (the five aggregates of grasping/clinging/false view of the five transitory aggregates) as a self (Atman, I-I, etc.) or pertaining to a self (Atmiya/mine). The function of Satkaya Dristi consists of giving the basis to all kinds of opinions/views (sarva dirtigata, Itawa thamscad in Tibetan, and ditthi gatam in Pali).

    Paramartha who translated into theChinese the Buddhist scriptures defined Satkaya Dristi as: the grasping or conceiving of the conception of atman-atmiya (I & mine) in the five skandas (aggregates). In his own commentary of his Abhidharmakosha, Vasubandhu gave the Sarvastivadin definition of Satkaya Dristi. He said: Atmadristir atmiya dristirva Satkaya Dristi - which means the view/conception of 'I' and mine is Satkaya Dristi and he elaborates the concept further saying that this concept or view is imposed upon the pancha upadana skanda - ie - the five aggregates of grasping/clinging.

    Then the Thervadin commentar The Atthasalini says Santokaya sakkayo, sakkaye pavattaa ditthi, which means the five aggregates are Satkaya and the view that of believing in that Satkaya is Satkaya Dristi. Believing here means believing the five aggregates separately or as a collection or as a group is either the Atman or contains the Atman or is mine/atmiya.

    So all the schools of Buddhism agree that Satkaya Dristi is basically seeing, conceiving an atman in the pancha skandha (the five aggregates). And both the Abhidharma kosha of Sarvastivadins and the Thervadin Abhidhamma and the Mahayana Abhidharma Samucchaya agree that this is the root cause of all the false views. But to fully understand what Satkaya Dristi (view that there is I or mine in the five aggregates) we need to first understand what the five aggregates are; a Buddhist technical word for pancha skanda. We shall go into the details of the pancha skandha/ the ive aggregates in the next issue.