카테고리 없음

창살唱薩, 사도[娑度], sādhu

VIS VITALIS 2016. 9. 8. 13:41

chàng sà
佛教语。萨,娑度之讹,意为善哉。南朝·梁·慧皎《高僧传·经师·道慧》:“每夕讽咏,輙闻闇中有弹指唱萨之声。” 唐·玄应《一切经音义》卷十六:“唱萨,此言讹也,正言娑度。此译云善哉。”
薩之=菩薩<宋><宮>, 布薩<元><明>

高僧傳 (No. 2059 慧皎撰 ) in Vol. 50



산스크리트어, 팔리어 sādhu의 음사. 상대방의 말에 대한 칭찬이나 찬성을 나타내는 말. 좋다. 그러하다. 옳다.

[네이버 지식백과] 사도 [娑度] (시공 불교사전, 2003. 7. 30., 시공사)

一切經音義 (No. 2128 慧琳撰 ) in Vol. 54


翻譯名義集 (No. 2131 法雲編 ) in Vol. 54

T2131_.54.1137c23: \SAdhu.唱薩。此言訛也。正言娑度。此云善哉

善見律毘婆沙 (No. 1462) 0691a21 - 0693c26: 合黨向樹發大叫聲衆僧唱薩於是諸小王及侍從者一切大衆悉大叫喚是時 [show] (1 hit)
法華經義記 (No. 1715) 0572c05 - 0584a26: 善即是精妙可珍如讃詠唱薩則是唱善善即是妙復言法翻達摩者此則與三 [show] (1 hit)
高僧傳 (No. 2059) 0395c27 - 0396b16: 心悵然夕留中宿聞行道唱薩之聲旦復欲前見一人鬚眉皓白問猷所之猷具答意公曰君生死身何可得去吾是山神故相告耳猷 [show] (1 hit)
高僧傳 (No. 2059) 0414a04 - 0414a10: 夕諷詠輒聞闇中有彈指唱薩之聲宋大明二年卒年五十一 [show] (1 hit)
宋高僧傳 (No. 2061) 0827b17 - 0827c25: 遂到時已黄昏而聞鐘磬唱薩之聲門者詰其所從遲迴引入見一老僧慰問再三倡言曰唐皇帝萬福否處分令別僧相隨歴房散手 [show] (1 hit)
釋門自鏡録 (No. 2083) 0814c05 - 0814c21: 心悵然夕留中宿聞行道唱薩之聲且後欲前見一人髮眉皓白問猷所之猷具 [show] (1 hit)
釋迦方志 (No. 2088) 0972c16 - 0973a13: 得達夕宿橋首聞彼行道唱薩聲便潔齋自勵忽見横石洞開猷便前度具覩精舍神僧燒香中食畢謂曰却後十年自當來此又有齋 [show] (1 hit)
集神州三寶感通録 (No. 2106) 0423b10 - 0423c17: 梁東便聞西寺磬聲經唄唱薩勇意相續通夕不安又聞聲曰却後十年當來此住何須苦求雖爾不息晨夕惋恨結草爲菴彌年禪觀 [show] (1 hit)
集神州三寶感通録 (No. 2106) 0432a16 - 0432a24: 白馬寺其夕轉經空中聞唱薩聲仰視一人形器光麗曰我是閻公則也生西方安樂界與諸上人來此聽經合堂驚出咸共見之時衞 [show] (1 hit)
經律異相 (No. 2121) 0025c26 - 0027b27: 心大歡喜向樹大叫衆僧唱薩小王及倍從一切大衆皆悉大叫地神驚怪亦復 [show] (1 hit)
法苑珠林 (No. 2122) 0594c15 - 0595a02: 梁東便聞西寺磬聲經唄唱薩勇意相續通夕不安又聞聲曰却後十年當來此住何須苦求雖爾不息晨夕惋恨結草爲庵彌年禪觀 [show] (1 hit)
法苑珠林 (No. 2122) 0900a07 - 0900b22: 心悵然夕留中宿聞行道唱薩聲旦復欲前見一人鬚眉皓白問猷所之猷具答意公曰君生死身何可得去吾是山神故相告耳猷乃 [show] (1 hit)
一切經音義 (No. 2128) 0738c23 - 0738c23: 唱薩此言訛也正言娑度此譯云善哉 [show] (1 hit)
翻譯名義集 (No. 2131) 1137c23 - 1137c23: 唱薩此言訛也正言娑度此云善哉 [show] (1 hit)
出三藏記集 (No. 2145) 0092b10 - 0092b10: 竟陵文宣製唱薩願讃第十七 [show] (1 hit)
法華經開題 (No. 2190) 0173a11 - 0173b02: 者唐語翻也若據梵名正唱薩sa達dha磨rma奔pU荼NDa利ri迦ka蘇su多覽traM今此經一部八卷品[show] (1 hit)
小野六帖 (No. 2473) 0083a19 - 0083a19: 唱薩沙度善哉 [show] (1 hit)

In Hinduism, a sādhu (Sanskrit sādhu, "good; good man, holy man") is a religious ascetic or holy person.[1] Although the vast majority of sādhus are yogīs, not all yogīs are sādhus. The sādhu is solely dedicated to achievingmokṣa (liberation), the fourth and final aśrama (stage of life), through meditation and contemplation of Brahman. Sādhus often wear saffron-coloured clothing, symbolising their sannyāsa (renunciation). This way of life is open to women; the female form of the word is sādhvī.


A sadhu in yoga position, reading a book in Varanasi

The Sanskrit terms sādhu ("good man") and sādhvī ("good woman") refer to renouncers who have chosen to live lives apart from or on the edges of society to focus on their own spiritual practices.[2]

The words come from the root sādh, which means "reach one's goal", "make straight", or "gain power over".[3] The same root is used in the word sādhanā, which means "spiritual practice".