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- just around the corner , crash ,feast,swipe뜻2008-08-05
... 4)swipe가 카드를 긁다 할때 긁다로 쓰이나여 ? 1)just around the corner이 먼뜻이죠 ? 코앞에 있어! 2)crash뜻에 멈추다 라는 뜻이 잇나여... 4)swipe가 카드를 긁다 할때 긁다로 쓰이나여 ? 네! 카드긁다/넣다라는 말있습니다. 예를들어서 swipe your ID card 같은걸들수있죠?
- 영어고수님들~~!!2005-03-03
... All you have to do is swipe the bar code along the scanner.... to swipe the bar code..이렇게 쓰면 되는 건가요?... 즉, You have to do swipe the bar code... 이렇게는... All you have to do is swipe the bar code along the scanner.... swipe 앞에 to가 빠진 것 같습니다.. 제가 처음 생각했던대로 is를...
It means that you are going to go over to your partners house and fuck with Netflixin the background.
"Yeah we just watched Netflix and chilled."
"Damn nigga how deep?"
"Four knuckles deep"
"Damn nigga how deep?"
"Four knuckles deep"