카테고리 없음

a champion idiot, champion …을 위해 싸우다, …을 옹호하다

VIS VITALIS 2016. 7. 31. 00:48



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  • 과거 championed
  • |과거분사 championed
  • |현재분사 championing
  • |3인칭 단수 현재 champions

[명사] winner, hero, victor, … [동사] support, back, defend, … View more


1.챔피언, 선수권 대회 우승자, 선수권 보유자

the world basketball championsExmaple play

세계 농구 선수권 대회 우승자들

a champion jockey/boxer/swimmeretc.Exmaple play

우승한 경마 기사/챔피언 권투 선수/수영 선수권 보유자 등

the reigning championExmaple play

현 챔피언[선수권 보유자]

2.~ (of sth) (집단・신념을 위해 싸우는) 투사[전사], 옹호자[대변자]

She was a champion of the poor all her life.Exmaple play

그녀는 평생 가난한 이들의 대변자였다.


[타동사][VN] …을 위해 싸우다, …을 옹호하다

He has always championed the cause of gay rights.Exmaple play

그는 항상 동성애자 인권이라는 대의를 위해 싸워 왔다.

English-English Dictionary

  • [NOUN][usu with supp] A champion is someone who has won the first prize in a competitioncontestor fight.
  • [VERB] If you champion a persona causeor a principleyou support or defend them.

In America today, few people champion government control of the industries Lenin saw as the commanding heights. on the contrary, these sectors have been largely deregulated, and market forces have, for the most part, been permitted to govern their development for decades. Defenders of the market might therefore imagine that they have won, and that the struggles that remain are peripheral debates.

But such a declaration of victory would be dangerously premature. Over the past few decades, our economy has undergone some fundamental changes — with the result that the fight for control over the commanding heights of American economic life is still very much with us. And it is a fight that, at least for now, the free-market camp appears to be losing.