카테고리 없음

navel (nābhi)

VIS VITALIS 2016. 7. 27. 08:50


  • 영어사전
    미국·영국 [|neɪvl] 발음듣기 영국식 발음듣기 예문보기

     navel (nābhi) 

    Then the Bhagavat sent forth from his navel (nābhi) a precious lotus (ratnapuṣpa) described by the following stanzas: The stem (daṇḍa) is of green jade (vaiḍūrya), The petals (pattra), a thousand in number, are of yellow gold. The corolla (vedikā) is of diamond (vajra) The trimming is of coral (musāragalva). The stem is flexible, without the usual curves, Its height is ten armspans (vyāma);