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抄録: The relationship of anuśaya (随眠), kleśa (煩悩), paryavasthāna (纒) and upakleśa (随煩脳)

VIS VITALIS 2016. 7. 26. 19:40


タイトル: 説一切有部におけるanuśaya・kleśa・paryavasthānaの関係 : 『倶舎論』「随眠品」を中心として
その他のタイトル: The Relationship of Anuśaya, Kleśa and Paryavasthāna in the Sarvāstivāda School : With Special Reference to the Abhidharmakośabhāşya
著者: 陳, 素彩
著者(別言語): Tan, Saw Chye
Issue Date: 30-Mar-2001
出版者: 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科・文学部インド哲学仏教学研究室
掲載誌情報: インド哲学仏教学研究. 8, 2001.3.30, pp. 57-72
抄録: The relationship of anuśaya (随眠), kleśa (煩悩), paryavasthāna (纒) and upakleśa (随煩脳) is mentioned twice in the Anuśaya-nirdeśa of the Abhidharmakośabhāşya. The first place mentions the relationship of anuśaya, kleśa and paryavasthāna and the second mentions that of upakleśa, kleśa and paryavasthāna. This article focuses only on the former relationship. It has been reported by Profs. Ken'yo Mitomo, Minori Nishimura and Genjun Sasaki that the words anuśaya, kleśa, and paryavasthāna are used as synonyms in Sarvāstivāda texts. However, this does not seem to hold good for the concept of eight or ten paryavasthānas of this school. This article aims at investigating this problem. In the Anuśaya-nirdeśa of the Abhidharmakośabhāşya, the word anuśaya is used in three meanings. Two of them are found in sūtra-exegesis, and one is found in the context of the school's theory of six or ninety-eight anuśayas. The first two meanings are (i) anubandha of kleśa or (ii) pr"pti of kleśa. The third meaning is kleśa. However, the Abhidharmakośabhāşya does not explain to which contexts the first two meanings can be applied. As a result, the Nyāyānusāra-śāstra (『順正理論』) mentions that the first two meanings do not always hold true for the explanation of sūtras. on the other hand, paryavasthāna is used only in the sense of kleśa in the early śāstras. Its definition changes after the establishment of the eight paryavasthāna-theory in the Abhidharma prakaraņa-śāstra (『品類足論』). The number of paryavasthānas has changed to ten by the stage of the Abhidharma-mahāvibhāşā-śāstra (『大毘婆沙論』). The two theories are preserved in two currents of later śāstras, up to the Abhidharmakośabhāşya. But both are recorded in the Abhidharmakośabhāşya and later śāstras without discussing their relative merits. The paiyavasthānas are said to be "minor defilements," upakleāa, or a group of upakleāas as time goes on. This provides a more precise definition. Unfortunately, the development of the meaning of paryavasthāna into a completely new theory is not completed, perhaps because the school wished to avoid a possible conflict with the old meaning of paryavasthāna in the sūtras. From the above examination, it can be concluded that anuśaya, kleśa, and paryavasthāna are indeed used as synonyms in Sarvāstivāda texts. However, at the same time, anuśaya is used to mean (i) anubandha of kleśa or (ii) prāpti of kleśa, while paryavasthāna is used to mean (i) "minor defilements," (ii) upakleśa, or (iii) a group of upakleśas in different stages of the development of the school.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2261/7061
ISSN: 09197907
Appears in Categories:インド哲学仏教学研究

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