With the bases loaded with two outs, the batter hit asingle at the bottom of the ninth inning. 일반
그 타자는 9회 말 2사 만루의 상황에서 안타를 쳤다
- [일반]The hit came near the end of the game at the bottom of the eighth with tworunners on base. 출처:타임즈코어상세
- [일반]The Giants scored a valuable run with a bases-loaded walk in the top of theninth inning. 출처:두산 동아상세
- [일반]In the fifth inning, with two outs, Manny Ramirez of the Red Sox hit a high foulball that dropped towards Danny and his Dad. 출처:능률교육상세
- [일반]In a game against the New York Mets, the closer took the mound in the bottomof the eighth inning with a 3-2 lead, two outs, and runners on first and second, andpitched scoreless baseball for one and one-third innings to contribute his team's 4-2victory. 출처:능률교육