Foreword: The Four Evolutionary Stages of Religion by Venerable Madewela Punnaji 15
Chapter 1. Introduction; The Nine Ways not to accept something as true 22
2. The Four Noble Truths 29
3. The Eightfold Middle Path, The Five Precepts, The Threefold Summaries and The Triple Gem 39
4. The 12 parts of Dependent Origination and the Three causes of kamma 56
5. The 31 Planes of Existence 61
6. The 10,000 World Systems; Buddha and Science 71
7. The Three Characteristics of Existence and the Five Aggregates 81
8. The one Prerequisite to being a Brahmin; Buddha on Equality 92
9. The Eight Points in the Lankavatara Sutra; Buddha on the Human Animal 115
10. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness 143
11. The 40 Meditation Subjects 161
12. The Five Hindrances to Meditation and the Nine Jhanas 165
13. The 13 Major Meditation Rx for Total Wellness 173
14. The Four Supreme Efforts and the Four Divine Emotions 179
15. The 84,000 Dhamma Doors; Buddha and Tolerance 182
16. The Ten Hindrances to Enlightenment, the Four Stages of Realization, & the Ten Perfections 201
17. Completing the Eightfold Wheel of Dhamma 207
18. The Seven Directions of Loving-Kindness and Other reference prayers and meditations 215
19. The Seven Enlightenment Factors and a Step-by-Step Guide to Awakening 221
20. Buddha‘s Lists: Over 600 Lists 231
Glossary 442
Digha Nikaya, The Long Discourses
Majjhima Nikaya, The Middle Length Discourses
Samyutta Nikaya, The Connected Discourses
Anguttara Nikaya, The Numerical Discourses
Khuddaka Nikaya, The Division of short books
Vinaya, The Code of Conduct for monks and nuns
Abhidhamma, The higher doctrine
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There are four main levels of individual religious evolution. They are:
1. The Saddha level (devotion)
2. The Sila (discipline)
3. The Samadhi (tranquility)
4. The Panna (understanding)
―Science without religion is lame;
Religion without science is blind.‖
Albert Einstein
―Do not believe in something because it is reported. Do not believe in something
because it has been practiced by generations or becomes a tradition or part of a
culture. Do not believe in something because a scripture says it is so. Do not
believe in something believing a god has inspired it. Do not believe in something a
teacher tells you to. Do not believe in something because the authorities say it is
so. Do not believe in hearsay, rumor, speculative opinion, public opinion, or mere
acceptance to logic and inference alone. Help yourself, accept as completely true
only that which is praised by the wise and which you test for yourself and know to
be good for yourself and others.‖
The Buddha, The Kalama Sutta, Anguttara Nikaya 3.65, Sutta Pitaka, Pali Canon