카테고리 없음


VIS VITALIS 2016. 5. 31. 11:04

Pra-naya, m. a leader.Pin.iii, \,\$i(jyotisham,

Nir.ii, 14); guidance.conduct, MBh.; manifestation,

display, Mricch. ; setting forth (an argument), Jatakam.;

affection .confidence in (loc. ),love, attachment,

friendship, favour (ibc. ; at, ena and ydpttam, ind.

confidentially, affectionately, openly, frankly),MBh.;

Kiv. &c.; desire, longing for (loc.; anyathd, 'for

something else'), ib. ; an entreaty, request, solicitation,

R.; Vikr.; reverence, obeisance, L.; final beatitude,

L.; -kalaha, m. a quarrel of lovers, mere wanton

quarrelsomeness, Megh.; Kid.; Pancat.; -kupita,

mfn. angry through love, feigning anger, Megh.;

-kopa, m. the (feigned) anger of a coquette towards

her lover, MW. ; -peSala, mfn. soft through affection,

R. ; -prakarsha, m. excess of aff, extraordinary

attachment, Kathis. ; -bhahga, m. breach of confidence,

faithlessness, Vikr. ; Pur. ; -madhura, mfn.

sweet through affection, Bhartr.; -maya, mf()n.

full ofconfidence, Jitakam.; -mdna, m. '


the jealousy of 1, W. ; -vacana, n. a declaration of

1 or affection, Megh. ; -vat, mfn. possessing candour,

unceremonious, frank, open, confident, Kalid. ; attached

or devoted to, loving (loc. or comp.), ib. ;

desirous of, longing for (loc.), Sis.; (ifc.) familiar

with, used to, Balar.; -tiigkdta = -vihata, A.;

-vimukha, mf()n. averse from love or friendship,

Megh.; -vihati, f. refusal of a request, non-compliance,

W. ; -sprii, mfn. exciting love, affectionate,

Malatim. ; y¶dha, m. an offence against

(mutual) affection or confidence, Amar. ; ydpahdrin,

mfn. taking with c or without shyness, MW. ;

ydmrita-paHcdiaka, n. N. of wk. ; ^yl-^kri, to

attach closely, Vcar. ; yi--Jbhii, to become attached

or affectionate, Susr. ; "ySnmukha, mf()n. expectant

through love, Malav. ; ydplta, mfn. possessing

candour, frank, open, MirkP.