카테고리 없음

理(yoga, Yukti (युक्ति), yoni, satya, dharma)

VIS VITALIS 2016. 4. 28. 11:40

범문에는 "이理"라는 글자가 없다고 말하는 사람들이 있다. 그러나 이 말은 범문에는 "멋"이라는 글자가 없다고 말하는 것처럼 이상하다. 
범문에는 "이理"라는 글자가 없다고 말하는 사람들은 satya나 dharma 정도가 "이理"와 비슷하겠지 라고 말한다. 더 찾아보지 않고 그렇게 얘기해서는 안된다. yukti, yoniso같은 말이 "이理"일 수도 있다.

역경이나 상서, 노자에는 "이理"라는 말은 나오지 않는다. "이理"는 시경에 4회, 좌전에 5회, 국어에 4회, 묵자에 12회 나온다고 한다. 

yuj (형용사) 一緖



yoga [Yuj]상응, 응학, 리, 여리, 도리, 방편

yojana 동물, 차, 路, 유순

yonisas 부사 如理

yoni 本, 종자, 자궁, 음문, 모태, 무릎, 생지, 가정, 주소, 巢, 수혈, 생산장소, 기원, 출처, 저장소, 용기, 소재, 장소, 출생=존재의 형식, 혈통, 종족, 家柄, 종성(계급), 생문, 포태, 生, 本, 種子, 


멍에 액 단어장 추가
1. 멍에(수레나 쟁기를 끌기 위하여 마소의 목에 얹는 구부러진 막대) 2. (멍에를)메우다 3. 구속하다(--) 4. 속박하다(--)


  1. 멍에.
  2. (비유적으로자유를 속박하는 것.


[명사][문법] 액어법


[5단활용 자동사]
  1. 이어지다.
  2. 연결되다붙어 있다.
  3. 연잇다계속되다.


혈연관계로 되어 있다핏줄이 이어지다.

Yukti (युक्ति) which means active application of epistemology or what one already knows, innovation, clever expedients or connections, methodological or reasoning trick, joining together, application of contrivance, means, method, novelty or device to more efficiently achieve a purpose.[18][19] Yukti and Pramana are discussed together in some Indian texts, with Yukti described as active process of gaining knowledge in contrast to passive process of gaining knowledge through observation/perception.

Anny5yi-tS, f. or -tva, n. succession.
a. y),depending, deanu-
i/yuj, to join again, SBr.;
AitBr. ; to question, examine ; to order ; to enjoin
Caus. -yojayati, to place upon; to add, Kaus.
Desid. -yuyukshati, to intend to question, MBh.
Ann-ynkta, mfn. ordered, enjoined ; asked, inquired
; examined, questioned ; reprehended.
Ann-yuktin, i, m. one who has enjoined, examined,
(gana ishtadi, q.v.)
Ann-yngam, ind. according to the Yugas or four
ages, Mn. i, 84.
Ann-yoktri, td, m. an examiner, inquirer,teacher.
Ann-yoga, as, m. a question, examination ; censure,
reproof, NySyad. ; religious meditation, spiritual
union. krlt , m. an AcSrya or spiritual teacher.
Ann-yogin, mfn. ifc. combining, uniting ; connected
with ; questioning.
Ann-yojana, am, n. question, questioning.
Ann-yojya, mfn. to be examined or questioned,
In. ; to be enjoined or ordered ; censurable ; a servant,
agent, delegate, Sak.
wndent, SBr. xi.

Pramāṇa literally means "proof". The word also refers to a concept and field of Indian philosophy. The concept is derived from the Sanskrit root, prama (प्रमा) which means "correct notion, true knowledge, basis, foundation, accurate notion".[13][14] Thus, the concept Pramana implies that which is a "means of acquiring prama or certain, correct, true knowledge".[1]

Pramāṇa forms one part of a tripuţi (trio) of concepts, which describe the ancient Indian view on how knowledge is gained. The other two concepts are knower and knowable, each discussed in how they influence the knowledge, by their own characteristic and the process of knowing. The two are called Pramātŗ (प्रमातृ, the subject, the knower) and Prameya (प्रमेय, the object, the knowable).[15][16]

The term Pramana is commonly found in various schools of Hinduism. In Buddhist literature, Pramana is referred to as Pramāṇavāda.[17] Pramana is also related to the Indian concept of Yukti (युक्ति) which means active application of epistemology or what one already knows, innovation, clever expedients or connections, methodological or reasoning trick, joining together, application of contrivance, means, method, novelty or device to more efficiently achieve a purpose.[18][19] Yukti and Pramana are discussed together in some Indian texts, with Yukti described as active process of gaining knowledge in contrast to passive process of gaining knowledge through observation/perception.[20][21] The texts on Pramana, particularly by SamkhyaYogaMimamsa and Advaita Vedanta schools of Hinduism, include in their meaning and scope "Theories of Errors", that is why human beings make error and reach incorrect knowledge, how can one know if one is wrong, and if so, how can one discover whether one's epistemic method was flawed, or one's conclusion (truth) was flawed, in order to revise oneself and reach correct knowledge.[22][23][24]

Pramāṇa (Sanskrit: प्रमाण, Pramāṇas) literally means "proof" and "means of knowledge".[1][2] It refers to epistemology in Indian philosophies, and is one of the key, much debated fields of study in HinduismBuddhism and Jainism, since ancient times. It is a theory of knowledge, and encompasses one or more reliable and valid means by which human beings gain accurate, true knowledge.[2] The focus of Pramana is how correct knowledge can be acquired, how one knows, how one doesn't, and to what extent knowledge pertinent about someone or something can be acquired.[3][4]

Ancient and medieval Indian texts identify six[5] pramanas as correct means of accurate knowledge and to truths: Pratyakṣa (perception), Anumāṇa (inference), Upamāṇa(comparison and analogy), Arthāpatti (postulation, derivation from circumstances), Anupalabdi (non-perception, negative/cognitive proof) and Śabda (word, testimony of past or present reliable experts).[4][6] Each of these are further categorized in terms of conditionality, completeness, confidence and possibility of error, by each school of Indian philosophies.

The various schools of Indian philosophies vary on how many of these six are epistemically reliable and valid means to knowledge.[7] For example, Carvaka school of Hinduism holds that only one (perception) is a reliable source of knowledge,[8] Buddhism holds two (perception, inference) are valid means,[9][10] Jainism holds three (perception, inference and testimony),[10] while Mimamsa and Advaita Vedanta schools of Hinduism hold all six are useful and can be reliable means to knowledge.[11] The various schools of Indian philosophy have debated whether one of the six forms of pramana can be derived from other, and the relative uniqueness of each. For example, Buddhism considers Buddha and other "valid persons", "valid scriptures" and "valid minds" as indisputable, but that such testimony is a form of perception and inference pramanas.[12]

The science and study of Pramanas is called Nyaya.[3]

도리 [道理] 
시공 불교사전 용어해설 > 인문과학

산스크리트어 yukti 모든 현상에 통하는 법칙. 모든 것에 두루 통하는 진리. 진리와 결합된 이론이나 증명. 타당한 이치.

見道에서 唯識性(眞如)을 올바로 깨닫기 전에는 道理에 근거하여 유식의 이치를 이론적으로 추리(anumana)

해야 한다. 道理의 원어는 yukti이다. 이 말은 원래 " 하나가 되는 것 " " 결합하는 것 " 이라는 의미이다. 그런데

바뀌어서 진리와 결합된 이론 . 증명, 또는 이론에 근거를 둔 사실의 규명을 가리킨다.
