곤조 저널리즘 gonzo journalism
Gonzo journalism is a style of journalism that is written without claims of objectivity, often including the reporter as part of the story via a first-person narrative.
The word "gonzo" is believed to have been first used in 1970 to describe an article by Hunter S. Thompson, who later popularized the style.
It is an energetic first-person participatory writing style in which the author is a protagonist, and it draws its power from a combination of social critique and self-satire.[1]
It has since been applied to other subjective artistic endeavors.
Gonzo journalism involves an approach to accuracy that concerns the reporting of personal experiences and emotions, in contrast to traditional journalism, which favors a detached style and relies on facts or quotations that can be verified by third parties.
Gonzo journalism disregards the strictly-edited product favored by newspaper media and strives for a more personal approach; the personality of a piece is as important as the event or actual subject of the piece.
Use of sarcasm, humor, exaggeration, and profanity is common.
Thompson, who was among the forefathers of the new journalism movement, said in the February 15, 1973, issue of Rolling Stone,
"If I'd written the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people — including me — would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today.
Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism."[2]
gonzo 미국식 [ɡɑ́nzou] 영국식 [ɡɔ́n-]
1. <보도 기사 등이> 독단과 편견으로 가득 찬
2. 머리가 돈, 정신이 이상해진
こっちょう [骨頂·骨張]
こっちょう [骨頂·骨張]
강조없음 こっちょう
3음절 강조 こっちょう
최상; 더없는 것.
더없이 어리석음
- 동의어
- 참고
흔히, 나쁜 일에 쓰임.
Open Dictionary
곤조 → 근성, 성깔일본어 「根性(こんじょう)」는 "근성, 마음보, 성질" 등의 뜻을 가지고 있는 말입니다.우리나라에서는 "이 녀석은 곤조가 아주 나빠!"에서처럼 "좋지 않은 성격이나 마음보", "평상시에 드러나지 않는 본색...