카테고리 없음
積善之家 必有餘慶 적선지가 필유여경
2020. 3. 7. 17:12
징관. 주역
《說苑 - Shuo Yuan》 | [Western Han (206 BC - 9)] Liu Xiang | Books referencing 《說苑》 Library Resources |
《談叢》 | Library Resources |
17 | 談叢: | 天與不取,反受其咎;時至不迎,反受其殃;天地無親,常與善人。天道有常,不為堯存,不為桀亡;積善之家,必有餘慶;積惡之家,必有餘殃。一噎之故,絕穀不食;一蹶之故,卻足不行。心如天地者明,行如繩墨者章。位高道大者從,事大道小者凶;言疑者無犯,行疑者無從;蠹蝝仆柱梁,蚊虻走牛羊。 |
[ 說苑 ]
한나라의 유향(劉向)이 편찬한 책. 20권. 어떤 사실에 대해 설명을 달리하는 여러 책의 내용을 발췌해서 정리한 책으로서 시비(是非)를 정하지 않고 양쪽의 설을 모두 수록하였음. 군도(君道)•신술(臣術)•건본(建本)•입절(立節)•귀덕(貴德)•복은(復恩)•정리(政理)•존현(尊賢)•정간(正諫)•법계(法誡)•선세(善說)•봉사(奉使)•권모(權謀)•지공(至公)•지무(指武)•담총(談叢)•잡언(雜言)•변물(辨物)•수문(修文)•반질(反質)의 20편으로 구성됨.
[네이버 지식백과] 설원 [說苑] (한국고전용어사전, 2001. 3. 30., 세종대왕기념사업회)
道德經: | 和大怨,必有餘怨;安可以為善?是以聖人執左契,而不責於人。有德司契,無德司徹。天道無親,常與善人。 | |
Dao De Jing: | (Adherence to bond or covenant) When a reconciliation is effected (between two parties) after a great animosity, there is sure to be a grudge remaining (in the mind of the one who was wrong). And how can this be beneficial (to the other)? Therefore (to guard against this), the sage keeps the left-hand portion of the record of the engagement, and does not insist on the (speedy) fulfilment of it by the other party. (So), he who has the attributes (of the Dao) regards (only) the conditions of the engagement, while he who has not those attributes regards only the conditions favourable to himself. In the Way of Heaven, there is no partiality of love; it is always on the side of the good man. |