Japanese Spirituality
Daisetz Suzuki
translated by
Norman Waddell 1972
Arriving at the harbor of Muro-no-tomari in Harima,
was approached by a small boat carrying a prostitute.
She said to
him, "Many are the ways through the world, what great sin could
I have committed in a fonmer Life to bring me to such a situation
of heavy sins? How may I rid myself of them?" Honen replied
with great pity, "Truly such a life is heavy with iniquity, the extent
of its retribution is indeed incalculable. Try to find some other
livelihood if you can and change your ways as soon as possible.
If this proves impossible, if the intention to sacrifice your very life
in seeking for salvation has not arisen in your heart, then stay
what you are and repeat earnestly the Nembutsu. It is for the
sake of just such sin-laden people that Amida Nyorai has taken
the Vow of universal salvation. Put all your trust and faith in his
Original Prayer and do not abase yourself. Place your faith in
the Prayer and repeat the Nembutsu and you will certainly be reborn in the Pure Land." Upon receiving this kind-hearted advice
she wept with joy. Later, Honen told his followers that her faith
was very firm and that she was certain to attain Ojo往生
When his
exile was ended and he was returning home, Honen called at the
village where he had taught her, and inquired about her. He was
told that upon receiving his instruction she had gone to live in a
village in the mountains where she had practiced the Nembutsu
single-heartedly. Soon after she had died.
On her deathbed she
is said to have rightly achieved Ojo.
This pleased Honen extremely, and confirmed his opinion of her.
Arriving at the harbor of Muro-no-tomari in Harima,
Honen was approached by a small boat carrying a prostitute.
She said to him, "Many are the ways through the world, what great sin could I have committed in a fonmer Life to bring me to such a situation of heavy sins? How may I rid myself of them?" Honen replied with great pity, "Truly such a life is heavy with iniquity, the extent of its retribution is indeed incalculable. Try to find some other livelihood if you can and change your ways as soon as possible.
If this proves impossible, if the intention to sacrifice your very life in seeking for salvation has not arisen in your heart, then stay what you are and repeat earnestly the Nembutsu. It is for the sake of just such sin-laden people that Amida Nyorai has taken the Vow of universal salvation. Put all your trust and faith in his Original Prayer and do not abase yourself. Place your faith in the Prayer and repeat the Nembutsu and you will certainly be reborn in the Pure Land." Upon receiving this kind-hearted advice she wept with joy. Later, Honen told his followers that her faith was very firm and that she was certain to attain Ojo往生
When his exile was ended and he was returning home, Honen called at the village where he had taught her, and inquired about her. He was told that upon receiving his instruction she had gone to live in a village in the mountains where she had practiced the Nembutsu single-heartedly. Soon after she had died.
On her deathbed she is said to have rightly achieved Ojo.
This pleased Honen extremely, and confirmed his opinion of her.
Arriving at the harbor of Muro-no-tomari in Harima,
Honen was approached by a small boat carrying a prostitute.
She said to him,
"Many are the ways through the world,
what great sin could I have committed in a fonmer Life to bring me to such a situation of heavy sins? How may I rid myself of them?"この罪業おもき身、いかにしてか のちの世[後の世]たすかり候べき」と申しければ、
「げにもさようにて世をわたり給らん、罪障 まことに かろからざれば、
"Truly such a life is heavy with iniquity, the extent of its retribution is indeed incalculable. Try to find some other livelihood if you can and change your ways as soon as possible.
If this proves impossible, if the intention to sacrifice your very life in seeking for salvation has not arisen in your heart, then stay what you are and repeat earnestly the Nembutsu. It is for the sake of just such sin-laden people that Amida Nyorai has taken the Vow of universal salvation. Put all your trust and faith in his Original Prayer and do not abase yourself. Place your faith in the Prayer and repeat the Nembutsu and you will certainly be reborn in the Pure Land." Upon receiving this kind-hearted advice she wept with joy. Later, Honen told his followers that her faith was very firm and that she was certain to attain Ojo往生
When his exile was ended and he was returning home, Honen called at the village where he had taught her, and inquired about her. He was told that upon receiving his instruction she had gone to live in a village in the mountains where she had practiced the Nembutsu single-heartedly. Soon after she had died.
On her deathbed she is said to have rightly achieved Ojo.
This pleased Honen extremely, and confirmed his opinion of her.