일매기청문 영어
Japanese Spiritual Insight and the lchimai-Kishomon (The one Page
As a document that sets forth the circumstances heretofore dealt with,
Honen's one Page Testament6 establishes the fundamental truth of Pure
Land faith.
By Nembutsu I do not mean such practice of meditation on the
Buddha as is referred to by the wise men of China and Japan,
nor is lt the recitation of the Buddha's Name which is practiced
as the result of study and understanding as to the meaning of
Nembutsu. It is just to recite the Name of Amida, without doubting that this will issue in the rebirth of the believer ln the Pure
Land. Just this, no other considerations, are needed. Mention is
often made of the threefold heart and the four modes of practice,
but these are all included in the belief that rebirth in the Pure
Land is most conclusively assured by "Namu-Amida-Butsu." If
one imagines something more than this, he will be excluded from
the blessings of the two holy ones, Amida and Shakyamuni, and
left out of the Original Prayer. He who believes in the Nembutsu,
however learned he may be in all the teachings of Shakyamuni,
should behave like an ignoramus who knows nothing, or like a
simple-hearted woman devotee; avoid pedantry, and recite the
Buddha's Name with singleness of heart.