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무량수경 용어집

VIS VITALIS 2018. 11. 22. 12:58

무량수경 용어집




Abhidjanas - Six supernatural occult powers(六通)

 Divyacaksus - Clairvoyance (天眼通)

 Paracittajnana - Thought reading (他心通)

 Divyasrota - Clairaudience (天耳通)

 Riddhi Sakchatkriya - Divine speed (神足通)

 Purvanivasanu Smritidjana - Knowledge ofprevious existence(宿命通)

Asravakchaya - Exhaustive knowledge appertaining to the life stream of all sentient beings (漏盡通)

Anasravah - Deed performed without leakage,

i.e., an altruistic act done without considering

returns or retribution for benefit of

oneself (無漏)

Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi - Trancendental

knowledge and wisdom of Buddhas(阿耨多羅三


Avalokitesvara - A Bodhisattva who has

special affinity with sentient beings of this

world (觀世音菩薩)

Bahukayani - Plentiful good actions (多善作)

Bhadra Kalpa - The era presently we are in (


Bodhi - By means of which, Enlightenment is

attained (菩提)

Bodhi-citta - Spiritual heart or Bodhi seed


Bodhi-mandala - Convocation of Buddhist

adherents where Buddha formally reached

his Buddha-hood (道塲)

Bodhisattva - Appelation for one who has

reached the stage below that of Buddha (


Buddha - Appelation for one who has reached

the final stage of Perfect Enlightenment ()

other appelations being:

Tathagata - Suchness (如來)

Arham - Veneration deserving (應供)

Samsaksam-Buddha - Full of universal

knowledge (正徧知)

Vidyacarana Sampanah - With full knowledge

of all supernatural powers (明行足)

Sagata - Having completed the pursuance

of the Eight Noble Paths heading for Nirvana


Lakavit - With thorough knowledge of the

world (世間解)

Anuttarah - Highest order of sentient beings


Purusadem-yasarathin - Great tamer of

men (調御丈夫)

Sastadeva-manuchyanam - Teacher of both

celestial and human beings (天人師)

The World Honoured one - (世尊)

Buddha-Rupa - Body of Buddha (佛身佛像)

Dasabhadra - Ten worthy deeds (十善業)

Dasakusala - Ten vices or evil deeds (十惡業)

Deva-loka - one of the six divisions of existence

or celestial beings(); the other

five divisions being: Asuras (

),Humankind (),Hungry ghosts (餓鬼), Demons

in purgato rial hells (地獄), and beasts


Devas, Nagas, Yakchas, Gandharvas, Asuras,

Ganrudas, Kinaras, and Mahoragas - The

eight divisions of celestial beings and

creatures (天龍八部)

Dharma - Law in its broad sense ()

Dharma-cakra - Wheel of Law, its turning or

rotation means the constant dissemination

of Dharma (法輪).

Dhatu - Line of demarcation ()

Ekajati-pratyekabuddas - A Buddha-elect or

a Bodhisattva who is well on the path to go

through the various stages to become a

Buddha (補處菩薩)

Gatha - Stanza or the versified part of a

discourse ()

Gatis - Evil realms (惡道)

Hinayana School - Small vehicle (小乘)

Isvara - Law for innate nature of physical

freedom that is not confined by material

impediment re size, number, or time factor,

e.g. a great thing in a small one, one becomes

more or more become one, and future

to past or past to present, etc. one of the

abtruse doctrines in Mahayana Buddhism (


Kalpa - Aeon or great period of time: viz, a

great Kalpa is around 1,344,000,000 years;

medium, 336,000,000 years; and

small,16,800,000 years ().

Karma - Law of cause and effect ()

Klesa - All form of passion, such as: sorrow,

anger, vexation, suffering, ill-will, etc. (


Koti, Nayuta, Kula, etc. - The great units for

counting which are even bigger than million,

billion, or trillion (俱胝那由他等)

Ksana - A short time or an instant (剎那)

Ksetra - Realm, sphere or world (剎土)

Kshatrya - Warrior-statesman, a class of

distinction in India of olden days(剎帝利種).

Kumara Sudhana -Name of a devotee (善財)

Laksana Vyajana - Sublime features (相好)

Maha-Bodhi - Great Bodhi (大菩提)

Maha-maudgalyayana - Name of one of the

senior disciples of Buddha(摩訶目犍連)

Mahasattva - Great ()

Mahavaipulya Buddha Avatamsaka Sutra -

Flower Embellished Sutra(華嚴經)

Mahayana School - Great vehicle (大乘)

Maitreya - Name of next Buddha to come (彌勒


Manjusri - A great Bodhisattva known for his

sagacity (文殊師利)

Mara - Powerful evil spirit and its activity

sphere (魔境)

Murddhabhichikta - A Buddhist ritual to

sprinkle or rinse water on a devotee's head

as symbol of chasteness (灌頂)

Nirmanakaya - Projectile body or transmuted

body of Buddha or Bodhisattva (化身)

Nirvana - Abridged form of Parinirvana (涅槃)

Panchanantaryani - Five enormities or great

sins (五無間罪)

Parinirvana - Final emancipation from sea of

birth (般涅槃)

Prajna - Wisdom derived from intuition

through concentration which is entirely

different to the ordinary sense of wisdom


Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra - Heart Sutra


Pratyeka-Buddha - one of the stages reached

by Hinayana disciples(辟支佛)

Punya - Merit (功德)

Purvanivasanu Smritidjana - Supernatural

knowledge of previous existence of all

sentient beings (宿命通)

Rupa - Body or what represents the body of a

sage like image, etc.(色身法相or 法像)

Sadhu, Sadhu - Very good, very good (善哉)

Saha-world - Our mundane world (娑婆世界)

Samadhi - Concentrated equanimity (三摩地)

Samantabhadra - Name of a Bodhisattva (普賢


Sarasvati - A Gnostic being (天女)

Sariras - Relics found in cremated remains of

Buddha or a sage (舍利)

Sastadeva-Manuchayani - vide “Buddha” (天人


Sravakas - Disciples of Hinayana School (聲聞)

Sukhavati - The Pure-Land of Buddha Amitabha


Sumeru - Name of a celestial mountain (須彌山)

Surangama Sutra-(楞嚴經)

Tathagata - vide “Buddha” (如來)

Tchakra-varti-Radja - one species of celestial

king (轉輪聖王)

Ten quarters - North, south, east, west,

north-east, south-east, north-west,

south-west, the nadir, and the zenith (十方)

Thirty-two attributes - Signs and features

of Buddha or Tchakra-varti-Radja (三十二


Trilokya - Three species of worlds: l) for

beings with sensual desires, 2) for beings

enjoy material gratifications but without

sexual or dietetic desires, and 3) for beings

without form, nor desires. All the above

spheres are mostly for celestial beings

although human beings are among the first

category (三界欲界色界無色界)

Upaya - Expediences (方便)

Vairocana - Another name for Buddha Gautama


Vajrachchedika Prajnaparaimita Sutra - The

Jewel of Trancendental Wisdom or The Diamond

Sutra (金剛經)

Vimala-Samantabhadra - A Bodhisattva's

name (無垢普賢)

Vimutti - Emancipation (解脫)

Yakchas, Rakchasas, Kumbhandas, Pisacas,

Bhutas - Evil Mara forces: Flying spirits,

demons, ghosts (夜叉羅剎鳩槃荼毗舍闍


Yugas - Periods of time, viz, the present, past,

and future which are generally referred as

“THREE-Yugas” (三世