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McCune-Reischauer맥킨-라이샤우어. 맥킨 라이샤우어. 한글 영어표기법 McCune–Reischauer romanization

VIS VITALIS 2018. 2. 5. 16:34



VIII. Bibliography


Bkaḥ-ḥgyur (Tibetan Buddhist Canon)Snar-thaṅ edition. East Asiatic Library, University of California,  Berkeley: 

Bkaḥ-ḥgyur and Bstan-ḥgyur (Tibetan Buddhist Canon)Sde-dge edition. East Asiatic Library, University of California,  Berkeley: 

Bstan-ḥgyur (Tibetan Buddhist Canon)Cone edition. Stony Brook, N.Y.:  Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions,  (Microfiche)

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Taishō shinshu daizōkyō (大正新修大藏經)Junjirō Takakusu and Kaikyoku Watanabe, ed.  Tokyo:  Daizō shuppan kabushiki kaisha,  1924-34.


Chih-p'an 志磐.  Fo-tsu t'ung-chi (佛祖統紀).

Chih-sheng 智昇.  Hsü ku chin i ching t'u chi (續古今譯經圖紀).

----.  K'ai yüan shih chiao lu (開元釋經緑).

----.  K'ai yüan shih chiao lu lüeh ch'u (開元釋經緑略出).

Ching-mai 靖邁.  Ku chin i ching t'u chi (古今譯經圖紀).

Ching-t'ai 靜泰.  Chung ching mu lu (衆經目緑).

Fa-ching 法經.  Chung ching mu lu (衆經目緑).

Fei, Ch'ang-fang 費長房.  Li tai sanpao chi (歴代三實紀).

Heng-an 恒安.  Hsü chen yüan shih chiao lu (續 貞元釋教緑).

Hui-chiao 慧皎.  Kao seng chuan (高僧傳).

Iryŏn 一然.  Samguk yusa (三國遺事).

Ju-hsing 如惺.  Ta ming kao seng chuan (大明高僧傳).

Kakhun 覺訓.  Haedong kosŭng chŏn (海東高僧傳).

Ming-ch'üan 明佺.  Ta chou k'an ting chung ching mu lu (大周刊定衆經目緑).

Seng-yu 僧祐.  Ch'u san tsang chi chi (出三藏記集 ).

Shih-shih Tsu-hsiu 右室祖琇.  Lung hsing fo chiao pien nien t'ung lun (隆興佛教編年通論)Fo chiao pien nien t'ung lun (佛教編年通論 ).

Sugi 守其. Koryŏguk sinjo taejang kyojŏng pyŏllok (高麗國新雕 大藏校正別緑)

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Tao-hsüan 道宣.  Hsü kao seng chuan (續高僧傳).

----.  Hsü ta tang nei tien lu (續大唐内典緑 )..

----.  Ta t'ang nei tien lu (大唐内典緑 ).

Tsan-ning 賛寧.  Sung kao seng chuan (宋高僧傳 ).

Ŭich'ŏn 義天.  Sinp'yŏn chejong kyojang ch'ongnok (新編諸宗教 藏總緑).

Yen-tsung 彥悰.  Chung ching mu lu (衆經目録 ).

Yuan-chao 圓照.  Chen yüan hsin ting shih chiao mu lu (貞元新定釋教 目録).

----.  Ta fang chen yüan hsü k'ai yüan shih chiao mu lu (大唐貞元續開元釋教目録 ).


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Copyright © Lewis R. Lancaster — 2004

McCune-Reischauer Romanization System


g (between vowels and after m, n, ng, l),
ng (before m, n, l)
l (when preceded or followed by l)
d (between vowels and after m, n, ng)
yŏnr (between vowels),
l (before all other consonants and after n, l),
n (after other consonants)
yopb (between vowels and after m, n, ng, l),
m (before m, n, l),
p (before and after all other consonants)
sh (before wi)
sh (before wi),
n (before m, n, l)
yuNot romanizedNot romanized,
ng (as syllabic final)
ŭchj (between vowels, and after m, n, ng)
ch (after all other consnants)


  •  is written as ë after  and . This is to distinguish  (ae) from ㅏ에 (), and  (oe) and ㅗ에 (). The combinations ㅏ에 () and ㅗ에 () very rarely occur except in sentences when a noun is followed by a postposition, as, for example, 회사에서 hoesaësŏ (at a company) and 차고에 ch'agoë (in a garage).
  • The Korean surnames 이/리(李) and 이(異) are transcribed as Yi not I[1] (e.g. 이순신 as Yi Sunsin)


  • The consonant digraphs (ㄳ, ㄵ, ㄶ, ㄺ, ㄻ, ㄼ, ㄽ, ㄾ, ㄿ, ㅀ, ㅄ) exist only as finals and are transcribed by their actual pronunciation.
Initial consonant of the next syllable











  1. ㅇ is an initial consonant before a vowel to indicate the absence of sound.
  2. 쉬 is romanized shwi.
  3. In Sino-Korean words, lt and lch respectively.

For ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, and ㅈ, the letters gdb, or j are used if voiced, ktp, or ch otherwise. Pronunciations such as those take precedence over the rules in the table above.


  • Voiceless/voiced consonants
    • 가구 kagu
    • 등대 tŭngdae
    • 반복 panbok
    • 주장 chujang
  • The initial consonant ㅇ is disregarded in romanization, since it is only used in order to indicate the absence of sound.
    • 국어 (pronounced 구거) kugŏ (not kukŏ)
    • 믿음 (pronounced 미듬) midŭm (not mitŭm)
    • 법인 (pronounced 버빈) bin (not pin)
    • 필요 (pronounced 피료) p'iryo (not p'ilyo)
  • r vs. l
    • r
      • Between two vowels: 가로 karo, 필요 p'iryo
      • Before initial ㅎ h: 발해 Parhae, 실험 sirhŏm
    • l
      • Before a consonant (except before initial ㅎ h), or at the end of a word: 날개 nalgae, 구별 kubyŏl, 결말 kyŏlmal
      • ㄹㄹ is written ll: 빨리 ppalli, 저절로 chŏjŏllo
  • Consonant assimilations
    • 연락 (pronounced 열락) llak
    • 독립 (pronounced 동닙) tongnip
    • 법률 (pronounced 범뉼) mnyul
    • 않다 (pronounced 안타) ant'a
    • 맞히다 (pronounced 마치다) mach'ida
  • Palatalizations
    • 미닫이 (pronounced 미다지) midaji
    • 같이 (pronounced 가치) kach'i
    • 굳히다 (pronounced 구치다) kuch'ida

Exceptions that do not exactly follow pronunciation

  • The sequences -ㄱㅎ-, -ㄷㅎ- (only when palatalization does not occur)/-ㅅㅎ-, -ㅂㅎ- are written khthph respectively, even though they are pronounced the same as ㅋ (k'), ㅌ (t'), ㅍ (p').
    • 속히 sokhi (pronounced 소키)
    • 못하다 mothada (pronounced 모타다)
    • 곱하기 kophagi (pronounced 고파기)
  • When a plain consonant (ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, or ㅈ) becomes a tensed consonant (ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ, or ㅉ) in the middle of a word, it is written ktps, or ch respectively, even though it is pronounced the same as ㄲ (kk), ㄸ (tt), ㅃ (pp), ㅆ (ss), or ㅉ (tch).
    • 태권도 (pronounced 태꿘도) t'aekwŏndo
    • 손등 (pronounced 손뜽) sontŭng
    • 문법 (pronounced 문뻡) munpŏp
    • 국수 (pronounced 국쑤) kuksu
    • 한자 (漢字, pronounced 한짜) hancha

North Korean variant

In North Korea's variant of McCune–Reischauer, aspirated consonants are not represented by an apostrophe but are instead by adding an "h". For example, 평안 is written as Phyŏngan. The original system would have it written as P'yŏngan.[citation needed] The North Korean variant renders names of people with each syllable capitalized and no hyphenation between syllables of given names: e.g. "Kim Il Sung" for Kim Il-sung.[2]

South Korean variant

A variant of McCune–Reischauer was in official use in South Korea from 1984 to 2000. The following are the differences between the original McCune–Reischauer and the South Korean variant:

  •  was written as shi instead of the original system's si. When ㅅ is followed by ㅣ, it is realized as the [ɕ] sound (similar to the English [ʃ] sound (sh as in show)) instead of the normal [s] sound. The original system deploys sh only in the combination , as shwi.
  •  was written as wo instead of the original system's  in this variant. Because the diphthong w ( or  as a semivowel) + o () does not exist in Korean phonology, the South Korean government omitted a breve in .
  • Hyphens were used to distinguish between ㄴㄱ and ㅇㅇ, between ㅏ에 and , and between ㅗ에 and  in this variant system, instead of the apostrophes and ë in the original version. Therefore, apostrophes were used only for aspiration marks and ë was not used in the South Korean system.
  • When  is followed by , the  was written as l in the South Korean variant. Under the original McCune-Reischauer system, it is written as r.
  • Assimilation-induced aspiration by an initial  is indicated. ㄱㅎ is written as kh in the original McCune-Reischauer system and as k' in the South Korean variant.

The following table illustrates the differences above.

WordMcCune–ReischauerSouth Korean variantMeaning
소원sowŏnsowonwish, hope
회사에서hoesaësŏhoesa-esŏat a company
차고에ch'agoëch'ago-ein a garage
직할시chikhalsichik'alshidirectly governed city[3]
못하다mothadamot'adato be poor at

Other systems[edit]

A third system, the Yale Romanization system, which is a transliteration system, exists but is used only in academic literature, especially in linguistics.

The Kontsevich system, based on the earlier Kholodovich system, is used for transliterating Korean into the Cyrillic script. Like McCune–Reischauer romanization it attempts to represent the pronunciation of a word, rather than provide letter-to-letter correspondence.

See also[


  1. Jump up^ https://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/romanization/korean.pdf page 13
  2. Jump up^ Sweeney, John (2013). North Korea Undercover: Inside the World's Most Secret State. London: Bantam Press. p. 11. ISBN 978-1-4481-7094-4.
  3. Jump up^ 직할시 (直轄市; "a directly governed city"; jikhalsi in the Revised Romanization) is one of a former administrative divisions in South Korea, and one of a present administrative divisions of North Korea. In 1995, it was replaced by 광역시 (廣域市gwangyeoksi; "metropolitan city") in South Korea.

External links[edit]

McCune–Reischauer romanization (/məˈkn ˈrʃ.ər/) is one of the two most widely used Korean language romanization systems. A modified version of McCune–Reischauer was the official romanization system in South Korea until 2000, when it was replaced by the Revised Romanization of Korean system. A variant of McCune–Reischauer is still used as the official system in North Korea.[citation needed]

The system was created in 1937 by George M. McCune and Edwin O. Reischauer. With a few exceptions, it attempts not to transliterate Korean hangul but to represent the phonetic pronunciation. McCune–Reischauer is widely used outside Korea.

Characteristics and criticism[edit]

Korean has phonologically no distinction between voiced and voiceless consonants, but it phonetically distinguishes them. Aspirated consonants like p'k', and t' are distinguished by apostrophe from unaspirated ones, which may be falsely understood as a separator between syllables (as in 뒤차기 → twich'agi, which consists of the syllables twich'a and gi). The apostrophe is also used to mark transcriptions of ㄴㄱ (n'g) as opposed to ㅇㅇ (ng): 잔금 → chan'gŭm vs. 장음 → changŭm).

Such common omissions were the primary reason the South Korean government adopted a revised system of romanization in 2000. Critics of the revised system claim it fails to represent  and  in a way that is easily recognizable. Also, it misrepresents the unaspirated consonants the way that they are actually pronounced.

Meanwhile, despite official adoption of the new system in South Korea, many in the Korean Studies community, both inside and outside South Korea and international geographic and cartographic conventions generally continue to use either the McCune–Reischauer or the Yale system. Also, North Korea uses a version of McCune–Reischauer.

Even within South Korea, usage of the new system is less than universal, like the variant of McCune–Reischauer that was the official Romanization system between 1984/1988 and 2000.