VIS VITALIS 2017. 4. 25. 14:00


Basic Meaning: principle

The lines or grain in precious stone. [Charles Muller]

Logic, reason (Skt. hetu, nyāya); correct cognition (Skt. pramāṇa). A theme. Theory. [Charles Muller]

The fitness of things; right, as an abstract principle. Truth, reality; coherence. [Charles Muller]

Original truth or universal principle. (siddhânta) [Charles Muller]

Connected with the prior meaning, this term was invested with a special meaning by the Huayan school, as the underlying 'noumenon' or principle of emptiness contained in and which contains all individual phenomena. Cf. 事, 理事, 理事無礙. [Charles Muller]

To arrange, regulate, rule, rectify. [Charles Muller; source(s): Soothill]

(Skt. yukti, naya; artha, avakāśa, kāraṇa, niyama, nīti, myāyya, bhavitavya, mata, *yathābhūtam, yukta, *yuktitas, yuktimat, yoga, vartani, vyavahāra, saṃbhava) [Charles Muller; source(s): Hirakawa]


Ziporyn, Brook. 2003. “Li (Principle, Coherence) in Chinese Buddhism.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy. 30 (3‐4) 501–524.

[Charles Muller]

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[Dictionary References]

Bukkyō jiten (Ui) 1094
Bulgyo sajeon 707a
Zengaku daijiten (Komazawa U.) 1263c
Iwanami bukkyō jiten 825
A Glossary of Zen Terms (Inagaki) 63
Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary (Daitō shuppansha) 233b/259
Japanese-English Zen Buddhist Dictionary (Yokoi) 534
Zen Dust (Sasaki) 277, 299
Bukkyōgo daijiten (Nakamura) 1412a
Fo Guang Dictionary 4717
Ding Fubao
Buddhist Chinese-Sanskrit Dictionary (Hirakawa) 0826
Bukkyō daijiten (Mochizuki) (v.1-6)576a,621a,2847b,3920b
Bukkyō daijiten (Oda) 1783-2
Sanskrit-Tibetan Index for the Yogâcārabhūmi-śāstra (Yokoyama and Hirosawa)