VIS VITALIS 2016. 11. 26. 15:07

bhavaभव a. [भवत्यस्मात्, भू-अपादाने अप्] (At the end of comp.) Arising or produced from, originating in. -वः 1 Being, state of being, existence, (सत्ता); तथाप्यहं योषिदतत्त्वविच्च ते दीना दिदृक्षे भव मे भवक्षितिम् Bhāg.4. 3.11. -2 Birth, production; भवो हि लोकाभ्युदयाय तादृशाम् R.3.14; S.7.27. -3 Source, origin. -4 Worldly existence; mundane or worldly life, life; as in भवार्णव, भवसागर &c.; कर्मबन्धच्छिदं धर्मं भवस्येव मुमुक्षवः Ku.2.51; भवोच्छेदकरः पिता ते R.14.74; Śi.1.35. -5 The world. -6 Well-being, health, prosperity; भवाय युष्मच्चरणानु- वर्तिनाम् Bhāg.1.27.9; कालेनानुगृहीतैस्तैर्यावद्वो भव आत्मनः Bhāg.8.6.19; Rām.5.27.6. -7 Excellence, superiority. -8 N. of Śiva; तमब्रवीद् भवो$सीति तद्यदस्य तन्नामाकरोत पार्जन्यं तद्रूपमभवत् पर्जन्यो वै भवः Śat. Br.; दक्षस्य कन्या भवपूर्व- पत्नी Ku.1.21;3.72. -9 A god, deity. -1 Acquisition (प्राप्ति). -वौ (dual) Śiva and Bhavānī. -Comp. -अग्रम् the farthest end of the world; Buddh. -अतिग a. overcoming worldly existence. -अन्तकृत् m. 1 N. of Buddha. -2 an epithet of Brahman. -अन्तरम् another existence (previous or future); शुभाशुभफलं सद्यो नृपाद्देवा- द्भवान्तरे Pt.1.121. -अब्धिः, -अर्णवः, -समुद्रः, -सागरः, -सिन्धुः the ocean of worldly life. -अभवौ (m. dual.) 1 existence. -2 prosperity and adversity. -अभीष्टम् bdellium. -अयना, -नी the Ganges. -अरण्यम् 'a forest of worldly life,' a dreary world. -आत्मजः an epithet of Gaṇeśa or Kārtikeya. -आर्त a. sick of the world, disgusted with worldly cares and troubles. -ईशः N. of Śiva. -उच्छेदः destruction of worldly existence; सतां भवोच्छेदकरः पिता ते R.14.74. -क्षितिः f. the place of birth. -घस्मरः a forest-conflagration. -छिद् a. cutting the (bonds of) worldly life, preventing recurrence of birth; भवच्छिदस्त्र्यम्बकपादपांशवः K.1. -छेदः prevention of recurring birth; मनुष्यजन्मापि सुरासुरान् गुणैर्भवान् भवच्छेद- करैः करोत्यधः Śi.1.35. -जलम् the water (or ocean) of worldly existence. -दारु n. the devadāru tree. -नाशिनी N. of the river Sarayū -प्रतिसंधिः coming into being. -बन्धेशः N. of Śiva. -भङ्गः delivery from births or transmigration. -भाज् a. living in the world of mortals. -भावन a. conferring welfare. -भीरु a. afraid of worldly existence. -भूतम् the source of all beings, i. e. the Supreme Being. -भूतिः N. of a celebrated poet (see App.II.); भवभूतेः संबन्धाद् भूधरभूरेव भारती भाति । एतत्कृतकारुण्ये किमन्यथा रोदिति ग्रावा ॥ Āryā. S.36. (-f.) welfare, prosperity. -भोगः the enjoyment or pleasure of the world. -मन्युः the resentment against the world. -मोचनः N. of Kṛiṣṇa. -रुद् m. a drum beaten at funeral ceremonies. -वीतिः f. 1 liberation from worldly existence; भववीतये हतबृहत्तमसामवबोधवारि रजसः शमनम् Ki.6. 41. -2 end of the world. -व्ययः (du.) birth and dissolution. -शेखरः the moon. -संगिन् a. attached to worldly existence. -संततिः an uninterrupted series of births and transmigrations.


(A.) m. the ocean of worldly existence. 


mfn. having no seal (by which to prove one's self legitimate), 

dugdhasamudram. the sea of milk

ghṛtasamudram. the ocean of ghee, Sa1m2khyas., Scholiast or Commentator

guṇasamudran. an ocean of virtues, one endowed with all virtues

미국·영국 [gi:] 발음듣기 영국식 발음듣기 예문보기
(남아시아 요리에 쓰이는 일종의) 버터

samudram. (n.only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).see udr/a-an-udr/a-;for sa-mudra-See)"gathering together of waters", the sea, ocean (in veda- also"the aerial waters","atmospheric ocean or sky"[ see  ];in ,seven circular concentric [elsewhere 3 or 4] oceans are named, viz. lavaṇa-,"salt-water"; ikṣu-,"syrup"; surā-,"wine"; ghṛta-,"clarified butter"; dadhi-,"curds"; dugdha-,"milk"; jala-,"fresh water";in later language the Ocean is often personified as king of the rivers)  etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram. Name of the number, four (four principal oceans being reckoned by some, one for every quarter of the sky)  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram. a large soma- vessel  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram. Name of an immensely high number (1 with 14 cyphers)   View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram.particular configuration of the stars and planets (when the 7 planets are situated in the and, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th houses) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram. equals rukma-  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram. Name of śiva-  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram. of a daitya-  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram. of various authors (also with sūri-)  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram. of the son of a merchant born on the sea  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram. of other men  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram. of a work quoted by padmanābha-  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudram. of a place  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudramn. Name of two sāman-s  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudramn. of various metres   View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudramf(ā-)n. (for sam-udra-See) having a stamp or seal, stamped, sealed, marked    View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudramfn. (fr. sam-udra-) relating to the sea, oceanic, marine   etc.  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudramfn. declared or related by samudra-  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudram. a mariner, voyager, sailor  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudram. the son of a karaṇa- and a vaiśyā- (who lives from the produce of the sea)
mudram. a kind of gnat  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudram. patronymic of citra-sena-  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudram. (plural) Name of a people  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudran. sea-salt  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudran. a cuttle-fish bone  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudran. dual number (with agneḥ-) Name of two sāman-s  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudramn. (?) Name of a peculiar kind of rainwater (which falls in the month āśvayuja- or āśvina-)  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudran. (fr. sa-mudra-) an impression or mark on the body  View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.

미국식 [|prɑ:dƷəni] 발음듣기 영국식 [|prɒdƷəni] 발음듣기 예문보기

(사람・동식물의) 자손


abdhi अब्धि

Definition: m. the ocean

agastiअगस्ति [विन्ध्याख्यं अगं अस्यति; अस्-क्तिच् शकन्ध्वादि˚, Uṇ.4. 179, or अगं विन्ध्याचलं स्त्यायति _x001F_+स्तभ्नाति, स्त्यै-क; or अगः कुम्भः तत्र स्त्यानः संहतः इत्यगस्त्यः] 1 'Pitcher-born,' N. of a celebrated Ṛiṣi or sage. -2 N. of the star Canopus, of which Agastya is the regent. -3 N. of a plant (बकवृक्ष) Sesbana (or Ӕschynomene) Grandiflora [Mar. रुईमंदार]. [The sage Agastya is a very reputed personage in Hindu mythology. In the Ṛigveda he and Vasiṣṭha are said to be the off-springs of Mitra and Varuṇa, whose seed fell from them at the sight of the lovely nymph Urvaśī at a sacrificial session. Part of the seed fell into a jar and part into water; from the former arose Agastya, who is, therefore, called Kumbhayoni, Kumbhajanman, Ghaṭodbhava, Kalaśayoni &c; from the latter Vasiṣṭha. From his parentage Agastya is also called Maitrāvaruṇi, Aurvaśeya, and, as he was very small when he was born, he is also called Mānya. He is represented to have humbled the Vindhya mountains by making them prostrate themselves before him when they tried to rise higher and higher till they wellnigh occupied the sun's disc and obstructed his path. See Vindhya. (This fable is supposed by some, to typify the progress of the Āryas towards the south in their conquest and civilization of India, the humbling of the mountain standing meta-phorically for the removal of physical obstacles in their way). He is also known by the names of Pītābdhi, Samudra-chuluka &c.; from another fable according to which he drank up the ocean because it had offended him and because he wished to help Indra and the gods in their wars with a class of demons called Kāleyas who had hid themselves in the waters and oppressed the three worlds in various ways. His wife was Lopāmudrā. She was also called Kauṣītakī and Varapradā. She bore him two sons, Dṛḍhāsya and Dṛḍhāsyu. In the Rāmāyaṇa Agastya plays a distinguished part. He dwelt in a hermitage on mount Kunjara to the south of the Vindhya and was chief of the hermits of the south. He kept under control the evil spirits who infested the south and a legend relates how he once ate up a Rākṣasa named Vātāpi, who had assumed the form of a ram, and destroyed by a flash of his eye the Rākṣasa's brother who attempted to avenge him. In the course of his wandering Rāma with his wife and brother came to the hermitge of Agastya who received him with the greatest kindness and became his friend, adviser and protector. He gave Rāma the bow of Viṣṇu and accompanied him to Ayodhyā when he was restored to his kingdom after his exile of 14 years. The superhuman power which the sage possessed, is also represented by another legend, according to which he turned king Nahuṣa into a serpent and afterwards restored him to his proper form. In the south he is usually regarded as the first teacher of science and literature to the primitive Dravidian tribes, and his era is placed by Dr. Caldwell in the 7th or 6th century B.C. The Purāṇas represent Agastya as the son of Pulastya (the sage from whom the Rākṣsas sprang) and Havirbhuvā the daughter of Kardama. Several 'hymn-seers' are mentioned in his family, such as his two sons, Indra-bāhu, Mayobhuva and Mahendra, also others who served to perpetuate the family. The sage is represented as a great philosopher, benevolent and kind-hearted, unsurpassed in the science of archery and to have taken a principal part in the colonization of the south; निर्जितासि मया भद्रे शत्रुहस्तादमर्षिणा । अगस्त्येन दुराधर्षा मुनिना दक्षिणेव _x001F_.दिक् ॥ Rām; अगस्त्याचरितामाशाम् R.4.44; cf. also; अगस्त्यो दक्षिणामाशामाश्रित्य नभसिः स्थितः । वरुणस्यात्मजो योगी विन्ध्यवातापिमर्दनः ॥ and R.6.61; Mv.7.14.] अगस्तितुल्या हि घृताब्धिशोषणे । Udbhaṭa.
anantavatअनन्तवत् a. [अस्त्यर्थे मतुप्] Endless, eternal. m. one of Brahman's four feet; earth, intermediate region, heaven, and ocean. पृथिवी कलान्तरिक्षं कला द्यौः कला समुद्रः कलैष वै सोम्य चतुष्कलः पादो ब्रह्मणो$नन्तवान्नाम । Ch. Up.4.6.3.

अन्त a. [अम्-तन् Uṇ.3.86] 1 Near. -2 Last. -3 Handsome, lovely; Me.23; दन्तोज्ज्वलासु विमलोपलमे- खलान्ताः Śi.4.4, (where, however, the ordinary sense of 'border' or 'skirt' may do as well, though Malli. renders अन्त by रम्य, quoting the authority of शब्दार्णव - 'मृताववसिते रम्ये समाप्तावन्त इष्यते'). -4 Lowest, worst. -5 Youngest. -तः (n. in some senses) 1 (a) End, limit, boundary (in time or space); final limit, last or extreme point; स सागरान्तां पृथिवीं प्रशास्ति H.4.5 bounded by the ocean, as far as the sea; अपाङ्गौ नेत्रयो- रन्तौ Ak.; उद्युक्तो विद्यान्तमधिगच्छति H.3.114 goes to the end of, masters completely; श्रुतस्य यायादयमन्तमर्भकस्तथा परेषां युधि चेति पार्थिवः (where अन्त also means end or destruction); जीवलोकसुखानामन्तं ययौ K.59 enjoyed all worldly pleasures; आलोकितः खलु रमणीयानामन्तः K.124 end, furthest extremity; दिगन्ते श्रूयन्ते Bv.1.2. -2 Skirt, border, edge, precinct; a place or ground in general; यत्र रम्यो वनान्तः U.2.25 forest ground, skirts of the forest; ओदकान्तात् स्निग्धो जनो$नुगन्तव्यः Ś.4; उपवनान्तलताः R.9.35 as far as the borders or skirts; वृत्तः स नौ संगतयोर्वनान्ते R.2.58,2.19; Me.23. Upper part (शिरोभाग); महा- र्हमुक्तामणिभूषितान्तम् Rām.5.4.3. -3 End of a texture, edge, skirt, fringe or hem of a garment; वस्त्र˚; पवनप्रनर्तितान्तदेशे दुकूले K.9 (by itself in Veda). -4 Vicinity, proximity, neighbourhood, presence; नाधीयीत श्मशानान्ते ग्रामान्ते Ms. 4.116; Y.2.162; जलान्ते छन्दसां कुर्यादुत्सर्गं विधिवद् बहिः 1.143; गङ्गाप्रपातान्तविरूढशष्पम् (गह्वरम्) R.2.26; पुंसो यमान्तं व्रजतः P.2.115 going into the vicinity
 or presence of Yama; अन्योन्यामन्त्रणं यत्स्याज्जनान्ते तज्जनान्तिकम् S. D.; यां तु कुमारस्यान्ते वाचमभाषथास्तां मे ब्रूहि Śat. Br. (These four senses are allied). -5 End, conclusion, termination (opp. आरम्भ or आदि); सेकान्ते R.1.51; दिनान्ते निहितम् R.4.1; मासान्ते, पक्षान्ते, दशाहान्ते &c.; एकस्य दुःखस्य न यावदन्तं गच्छाम्यहं पारमिवार्णवस्य Pt.2.175; व्यसनानि दुरन्तानि Ms.7.45; दशान्तमुपेयिवान् R.12.1 going to the end of the period of life (end of the wick); व्यसनं वर्धयत्येव तस्यान्तं नाधिगच्छति Pt.2.18; oft. in comp. in this sense, and meaning 'ending in or with', 'ceasing to exist with', 'reaching to the end'; तदन्तं तस्य जीवितम् H.1.91 ends in it; कलहान्तानि हर्म्याणि कुवाक्यान्तं च सौहृदम् । कुराजान्तानि राष्ट्राणि कुकर्मान्तं यशो नृणाम् ॥ Pt.5.76; विशाखान्ता गता मेघा प्रसूत्यन्तं च यौवनम् । प्रणामान्तः सतां कोपो याचनान्तंहि गौरवम् ॥ Subhā. फलोदयान्ताय तपःसमाधये Ku.5.6 ending with (lasting till) the attainment of fruit; यौवनान्तं वयो यस्मिन् Ku.6.44; R.11.62,14.41; विपदन्ता ह्यविनीतसंपदः Ki.2.52; युगसहस्रान्तं ब्राह्मं पुण्यमहर्विदुः Ms.1.73 at the end of 1 Yugas; प्राणान्तं दण़्डम् Ms.8.359 capital punishment (such as would put an end to life). -6 Death, destruction; end or close of life; धरा गच्छत्यन्तं Bh.3.71 goes down to destruction; योगेनान्ते तनुत्यजाम् R.1.8; एका भवेत्स्वस्तिमती त्वदन्ते 2.48;12.75; ममाप्यन्ते Ś.6; अद्य कान्तः कृतान्तो वा दुःखस्यान्तं करिष्यति Udb.; औषध्यः फलपाकान्ताः Ms.1.46; अन्तं या To be destroyed, perish, be ruined. -7 (In gram.) A final syllable or letter of a word; अजन्त ending in a vowel; so हलन्त, सुबन्त, तिडन्त &c. -8 The last word in a compound. -9 Ascertainment, or settlement (of a question); definite or final settlement; pause, final determination, as in सिद्धान्त; न चैव रावणस्यान्तो दृश्यते जीवितक्षये Rām.6.17.58 उभयोरपि दृष्टोन्तस्त्वनयोस्तत्त्वदर्शिभिः Bg.2.16 (सदसतोः इत्यर्थः). -1 The last portion or the remainder (n. also); निशान्तः; वेदान्तः &c. वेदांश्चैव तु वेदाङ्गान् वेदान्तानि तथा स्मृतीः । अधीत्य ब्राह्मणः पूर्वं शक्तितो$न्यांश्च संपठेत् ॥ Bṛihadyogi- yājñavalkya Smṛiti 12.34. -11 Underneath, inside, inner part; युष्मदीयं च जलान्ते गृहम् Pt.4 in water, underneath water; सुप्रयुक्तस्य दम्भस्य ब्रह्माप्यन्तं न गच्छति Pt.1.22 does not penetrate or dive into, sound, fathom; आशङ्कितस्यान्तं गच्छामि M.3 shall dive deep into, fully satisfy, my doubts. -12 Total amount, whole number or quantity. -13 A large number. -14 Nature, condition; sort, species; मम मोक्षस्य को$न्तो वै ब्रह्मन्ध्यायस्व वै प्रभो Mb.12.282.32. एतदन्तास्तु गतयो ब्रह्माद्याः समुदाहृताः Ms.1.5. -15 Disposition; essence; शुद्धान्तः -16 Division (विभाग); ते$नया कात्यायन्या$न्तं करवाणीति Bri. Up.2.4.1. [cf. Goth. andeis, and; Germ. ende and ent; also Gr. anti; L. ante]. cf. अन्तस्तु भागे$- वसिते रचनायां च तत्परे । मृतौ निषेवणे रम्ये समाप्तावग्रमध्ययोः ॥ स्वरूपे च समीपे च पुंलिङ्गे$पि प्रकीर्तितः । Nm. -Comp. -अवशा- यिन् m. [अन्ते पर्यन्तदेशे अवशेते] a chāṇḍāla. -अवसायिन् [नखकेशानामन्तं अवसातुं छेत्तुं शीलमस्य, सो-णिनि] 1 a barber. -2 a chāṇḍāla, low caste. -3 N. of a sage, see अन्त्याव- सायिन् (अन्ते पश्चिमे वयसि अवस्यति तत्त्वं निश्चिनोति). -उदात्त a. having the acute accent on the last syllable. (-त्तः) the acute accent on the last syllable; P.VI,1.199. -ओष्ठः The lower lip (अधरोष्ठ); रुधिरं न व्यतिक्रामदन्तोष्ठादम्ब मा शुचः Mb.11.15.16. -कर, -करण,-कारिन् a. causing death or destruction, fatal, mortal, destructive; क्षत्रिया- न्तकरणो$पि विक्रमः R.11.75 causing the destruction of; राज्यान्तकरणावेतौ द्वौ दोषौ पृथिवीक्षिताम् Ms.9.221; अहमन्तकरो नूनं ध्वान्तस्येव दिवाकरः Bk. -कर्मन् n. death, destruction; षो अन्तकर्मणि Dhātupāṭha. -कालः, -वेला time or hour of death; स्थित्वा स्यामन्तकाले$पि ब्रह्मनिर्वाणमृच्छति Bg.2.72. -कृत् m. death; वर्जयेदन्तकृन्मर्त्यं वर्जयेदनिलो$नलम् Rām. -कृद्दशाः N. of the eighth of the twelve sacred Aṅga texts of the Jainas (containing ten chapters). -ग a. having gone to the end of, thoroughly conversant or familiar with, (in comp.); शाखान्तगमथाध्वर्युम् Ms.3.145. -गति, -गामिन् a. perishing. प्राप्तो$न्तगामी विपरीतबुद्धिः Rām.6.59.94. -गमनम् 1 going to the end, finishing, completing; प्रारब्धस्य ˚नं द्वितीयं बुद्धिलक्षणम् -2 death, perishing, dying. -चक्रम् Reading of omens and augury; Kau. A. -चर a. 1 walking about, going to the borders or frontiers. -2 completing or finishing (as a business &c.). -ज a. last born. -दीपकम् a figure of speech (in Rhetoric). -परिच्छदः a. cover, covering utensil. राजतान्तपरिच्छदां दिव्यपायससंपूर्णां पात्रीम् Rām.1.16.14. -पालः 1 a frontier-guard, guarding the frontiers; विनीतैरन्तपालैश्च रक्षोभिश्च सुरक्षितम् Rām.5.6.9. ˚दुर्गे M.1; त्वदीयेनान्तपाले- नावस्कन्द्य गृहीतः ibid. -2 a door-keeper (rare). सुद्युम्न- स्त्वन्तपालेभ्यः श्रुत्वा लिखितमागतम् Mb.12.23.29. -भव, -भाज् a. being at the end, last. -लीन a. hidden, con- cealed. -लोपः dropping of the final of a word. (न्ते˚) -वासिन् a. dwelling near the frontiers, dwelling close by. -m. [अन्ते गुरुसमीपे वस्तुं शीलं यस्य] 1 a pupil (who always dwells near his master to receive instruction); P.IV.3.14;VI.2.36.; Ms.4.33. -2 a chāṇḍāla (who dwells at the extremity of a village). -वेला = ˚कालः q. v. -व्यापत्तिः f. change of the final syllable, as in मेघ from मिह् Nir. -शय्या 1 a bed on the ground. -2 the last bed, death-bed; hence death itself. -3 a place for burial or burning. -4 a bier or funeral pile. -संश्लेषः union (सन्धि), joint; सुखदुःखान्तसंश्लेषम् (काल- चक्रम्) Mb.14.45.3. -सत्क्रिया last rites, funeral ceremonies, obsequies. -सढ् m. pupil; तमुपासते गुरुमिवा- न्तसदः Ki.6.34. -स्वरितः the svarita accent on the last syllable of a word.

미국·영국 [nu:s] 발음듣기 영국식 발음듣기 중요도 별점 1개 예문보기



मृत p. p. [मृ कर्तरि क्त] 1 Dead, deceased; ये पराधीनतां यातास्ते वै जीवन्ति के मृताः H.2.22. -2 As good as dead, useless, inefficacious; मृतो दरिद्रः पुरुषो मृतं मैथुनमप्रजम् । मृतमश्रोत्रियं श्राद्धं मृतो यज्ञस्त्वदक्षिणः ॥ Pt.2.98. -3 Calcined, reduced; मूर्च्छां गतो मृतो वा निदर्शनं पारदो$त्र रसः Bv.1.82. -तम् 1 Death; मृतेभ्यः प्रमृतं यान्ति दरिद्राः पापकारिणः Mb.12. 181.3. -2 Food obtained by begging, alms; मृतं तु याचितं भैक्षम् Ms.4.5; see अमृतम् (8). -Comp. -अङ्गम् a corpse. -अण्डः the sun. (-ण्डा) a woman whose offspring dies. -अशन a. being of the age 9 to 1 years. -अशौचम् impurity contracted through the death of a relation; see अशौच. -उद्भवः the sea, ocean. -कल्प, -प्राय a. almost dead, insensible. -कान्तकः a jackal; Nighaṇṭa-ratnākara. -गर्भा (a woman) whose foetus dies. -गृहम् a grave. -चेलम् shroud or garment of the dead (worn by Chāṇḍālas). -जीवन a. reviving the dead. -दारः a widower. -नन्दनः a kind of hall with 58 pillars; Vāstuvidyā. -निर्यातकः one who carries dead bodies to the cemetery; अनग्नयश्च ये विप्रा मृतनिर्यातकाश्च ये Mb.13.23.19. -पाः a class of persons of the lowest caste (who watch dead bodies, carry them to the cemetery, collect dead men's clothes, &c.); सप्तजातिशतान्येव मृतपाः संभवन्तु ये Rām.1.59.19. -प्रजा (a woman) whose children are dead. -भावः the state of death. -मत्तः, -मत्तकः a jackal. -वस्त्रभृत् a. wearing a dead man's clothes; Ms.1.35. -वासरः the day of anyone's death. -संस्कारः funeral or obsequial rites. -संजीवन a. reviving the dead. (-नम्, -नी) the revival of a dead person. (-नी) a charm for reviving the dead. -सूतकम् bringing forth a still-born child. (-कः) a particular preparation of quicksilver. -स्नानम् ablution after a death or funeral. -हारः, -हारिन् a carrier of the dead.

bhavaभव a. [भवत्यस्मात्, भू-अपादाने अप्] (At the end of comp.) Arising or produced from, originating in. -वः 1 Being, state of being, existence, (सत्ता); तथाप्यहं योषिदतत्त्वविच्च ते दीना दिदृक्षे भव मे भवक्षितिम् Bhāg.4. 3.11. -2 Birth, production; भवो हि लोकाभ्युदयाय तादृशाम् R.3.14; S.7.27. -3 Source, origin. -4 Worldly existence; mundane or worldly life, life; as in भवार्णव, भवसागर &c.; कर्मबन्धच्छिदं धर्मं भवस्येव मुमुक्षवः Ku.2.51; भवोच्छेदकरः पिता ते R.14.74; Śi.1.35. -5 The world. -6 Well-being, health, prosperity; भवाय युष्मच्चरणानु- वर्तिनाम् Bhāg.1.27.9; कालेनानुगृहीतैस्तैर्यावद्वो भव आत्मनः Bhāg.8.6.19; Rām.5.27.6. -7 Excellence, superiority. -8 N. of Śiva; तमब्रवीद् भवो$सीति तद्यदस्य तन्नामाकरोत पार्जन्यं तद्रूपमभवत् पर्जन्यो वै भवः Śat. Br.; दक्षस्य कन्या भवपूर्व- पत्नी Ku.1.21;3.72. -9 A god, deity. -1 Acquisition (प्राप्ति). -वौ (dual) Śiva and Bhavānī. -Comp. -अग्रम् the farthest end of the world; Buddh. -अतिग a. overcoming worldly existence. -अन्तकृत् m. 1 N. of Buddha. -2 an epithet of Brahman. -अन्तरम् another existence (previous or future); शुभाशुभफलं सद्यो नृपाद्देवा- द्भवान्तरे Pt.1.121. -अब्धिः, -अर्णवः, -समुद्रः, -सागरः, -सिन्धुः the ocean of worldly life. -अभवौ (m. dual.) 1 existence. -2 prosperity and adversity. -अभीष्टम् bdellium. -अयना, -नी the Ganges. -अरण्यम् 'a forest of worldly life,' a dreary world. -आत्मजः an epithet of Gaṇeśa or Kārtikeya. -आर्त a. sick of the world, disgusted with worldly cares and troubles. -ईशः N. of Śiva. -उच्छेदः destruction of worldly existence; सतां भवोच्छेदकरः पिता ते R.14.74. -क्षितिः f. the place of birth. -घस्मरः a forest-conflagration. -छिद् a. cutting the (bonds of) worldly life, preventing recurrence of birth; भवच्छिदस्त्र्यम्बकपादपांशवः K.1. -छेदः prevention of recurring birth; मनुष्यजन्मापि सुरासुरान् गुणैर्भवान् भवच्छेद- करैः करोत्यधः Śi.1.35. -जलम् the water (or ocean) of worldly existence. -दारु n. the devadāru tree. -नाशिनी N. of the river Sarayū -प्रतिसंधिः coming into being. -बन्धेशः N. of Śiva. -भङ्गः delivery from births or transmigration. -भाज् a. living in the world of mortals. -भावन a. conferring welfare. -भीरु a. afraid of worldly existence. -भूतम् the source of all beings, i. e. the Supreme Being. -भूतिः N. of a celebrated poet (see App.II.); भवभूतेः संबन्धाद् भूधरभूरेव भारती भाति । एतत्कृतकारुण्ये किमन्यथा रोदिति ग्रावा ॥ Āryā. S.36. (-f.) welfare, prosperity. -भोगः the enjoyment or pleasure of the world. -मन्युः the resentment against the world. -मोचनः N. of Kṛiṣṇa. -रुद् m. a drum beaten at funeral ceremonies. -वीतिः f. 1 liberation from worldly existence; भववीतये हतबृहत्तमसामवबोधवारि रजसः शमनम् Ki.6. 41. -2 end of the world. -व्ययः (du.) birth and dissolution. -शेखरः the moon. -संगिन् a. attached to worldly existence. -संततिः an uninterrupted series of births and transmigrations.