〔成唯識論述記 T 1830.43.499b21〕
T 1830.43.499b21
Basic Meaning: reward-land
A kind of pure land; one of four lands 四土. [Charles Muller; source(s): Yokoi]
Also written 受用土. (1) This term may refer to the land or world into which a person is born because of his past karma, e.g. hell, heaven, this world, etc. Also called 果報土. (2) The Pure Land created by a Buddha through the strength of his vows and religious exercises undertaken when he was yet a bodhisattva, e.g. Sukhāvatī 極樂. Also called 實法土. (3) In the Shin school 眞宗, the reward land is subdivided into a true reward land and a provisional reward land. Rebirth in the former is attained by all people who accept fully and without doubt the other-power original vow 他力本願 of Amitâbha, whereas rebirth in the latter is for those people who adopt other-power practices. 〔成唯識論述記 T 1830.43.499b21〕 [Charles Muller; source(s): JEBD]Search SAT
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[Dictionary References]
Bukkyō jiten (Ui) 964
Bulgyo sajeon 305a
Zengaku daijiten (Komazawa U.) 1138c
Iwanami bukkyō jiten 727
Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary (Daitō shuppansha) 108a/118
Japanese-English Zen Buddhist Dictionary (Yokoi) 231
Bukkyōgo daijiten (Nakamura) 1242b
Fo Guang Dictionary 4918
Ding Fubao {Digital Version}
Bukkyō daijiten (Oda) 1584-3
Soothill 369
Basic Meaning: two grounds
There are three groups: 性土 and 相土 : the former is the ubiquitous, unadulterated or innocent 法性之理 dharma-name, or essence of things; the latter is the form-nature, or formal existence of the Dharma, pure or impure according to the mind and action of the living. The 淨土 and 穢土 are Pure Land or Paradise; and impure land, e.g. the present world. In the Pure Land there are also 報土, the land in which a Buddha himself dwells and 化土 in which all beings are transformed. There are other definitions, e.g., the former is Buddha's Paradise, the latter the world in which he dwells and which he is transforming, e.g., this Sahā-world. 〔摩訶止觀 T 1911.46.128b26〕 [Charles Muller; source(s): Soothill]Search SAT
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[Dictionary References]
Bukkyō jiten (Ui) 819
Bulgyo sajeon 726a
Fo Guang Dictionary 188
Bukkyō daijiten (Oda) 1335-2*1335-3
ALSO IN: 大願淸淨報土 實報土 果報土
Entry body matches for 報土
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[...], or reward land 報土. The incarnate avatāra [...]:
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