VIS VITALIS 2016. 10. 9. 11:01
railing US·UK [|reɪlɪŋ] US · UK play UK UK play Add to my vocabulary list 중요

[명사] (주로 복수로) 철책(울타리・그 철책 막대 중 하나)

iron railingsExample play


고교 공통고교 영어2

railing2 US·UK US · UK play UK UK play Add to my vocabulary list

[명사] [또는 pl.] 욕지거리, 매도, 폭언; 놀림

rail US·UK [reɪl] US · UK play UK UK play Add to my vocabulary list 매우중요
rail 썸네일

[명사] 난간 참고 guard railhandrail

She leaned on the ship's rail and gazed out to sea.Example play

그녀는 배의 난간에 몸을 기대고 멀리 바다를 바라보았다.

View 5 more meanings : [명사] (무엇을 걸도록 벽에 기다랗게 붙여 놓은) 가로장[걸이] [동사] 격분하다


rail1 US·UK [réil] US · UK play UK UK play Add to my vocabulary list 매우중요
rail2 US·UK US · UK play UK UK play Add to my vocabulary list

[자동사] 욕하다, 꾸짖다; 조롱하다; 불평하다 ((atagainst))

rail+[전]+[명] ) rail at fateExample play

불운함을 푸념하다

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난간 欄干·欄杆 Add to my vocabulary list
난간 썸네일

(계단의) banisterhandrail(다리·절벽 등의) guardrail(발코니 등의) balustraderailing

난간에 기대다

lean over[uponthe balustrade[railing]Example play

고란 高欄 Add to my vocabulary list

[궁전 따위의 난간] a balustradea handrailrailing.

난간을 두다 웹수집 ? Add to my vocabulary list

put railing

난간을 넘다 웹수집 ? Add to my vocabulary list

pass railing

난간을 닦다 웹수집 ? Add to my vocabulary list

wash railing

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Stone has rarely been successful with female characters in his movies, and although Woodley is a talented actress, the role is little more than a variant on the stereotypical wife or girlfriend always telling her man to be careful and railing when he shuts her out. Lindsay never blossoms into a full-blooded, distinctive character.