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Chinese Text Project |
Welcome to the Chinese Text Project homepage. The Chinese Text Project is an online open-access digital library that makes pre-modern Chinese texts available to readers and researchers all around the world. The site attempts to make use of the digital medium to explore new ways of interacting with these texts that are not possible in print. With over twenty thousand titles and more than three billion characters, the Chinese Text Project is also one of the largest databases of pre-modern Chinese texts in existence.
You may wish to read more about the project, view the pre-Qin and Han, post-Han or Wiki tables of contents, or consult the instructions, FAQ, or list of tools. If you're looking for a particular Chinese text, you cansearch for texts by title across the main textual sections of the site.
This site is provided as an open-access resource, free to all without charge. If you would consider making a monetary donation towards the cost of running the site, this would be greatly appreciated - please click herefor details.
Latest additions
Date | Content |
2015-07-02 | Support for Unicode 8.0 adds new characters A new version of the Unicode standard has been released, defining thousands of additional rarely used and variant Chinese characters. Support for these has been added to the dictionary section of the site; to view these characters, please install the latest version of the Hanazono font. Many new characters belong to "CJK Extension E" - you can confirm system support for these from the Font Test Page. |
2015-03-24 | OCR integration and library linking: over ten million pages of pre-modern Chinese texts now searchable online A major update to the site has been made by applying OCR to over ten million pages of transmitted texts stored in the Library, linking scanned texts where possible to digital editions that follow them. Over 3000 existing texts have been successfully linked, allowing side-by-side display and textual searching of scanned texts. Additionally, around ten thousand new texts and editions have also been transcribed for the first time using OCR. While these transcriptions inevitably contain many errors, they make it possible for the first time to search the scanned texts and immediately locate information within them. All newly transcribed texts have been added to the Wiki - please help by correcting errors when using these resources. For further details, please see the OCR instructions. |
Earlier updates are listed in the "Latest updates" forum. Note that only major technical updates are listed here; for content updates and recently added texts, please log in and refer to the Wiki Recently Updatedsections.
Recent discussion topics
Date | Content |
2016-05-08 by thomasyin35 | 有人惡意修改 五代史籍 / 系統顯示出錯? 我近日查阅资治通鉴和旧五代史等五代史籍时, 发现有一堆完全不属该典籍的文字出现, 如旧五代史 太祖纪 [More...] |
2016-05-08 by jiuwai | 新語甚麼時候會加入"顯示相似段落功能"? 希望新語也有類似功能, 這部書對思考思想發展的脈絡挺重要 |
翰 廬
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一 | |||
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一 | |||
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