카테고리 없음
2016. 5. 5. 11:29
- 독일어사전
- bland
- [blant]
- [형용사] [의학] (mild, reizlos) 무자극성인(식사);(↔ akut)(병 따위가) 조용히 진행되는
- pianoforever100 I agree with you totally on Yeol Eum Son -- that she is a pianist for the ages -- so I was SHOCKED to read the 2009 Wall Street Journal review of the Van Cliburn competition in which she took part that referred to her as a "bland South Korean pianist." I will never forgive the stupidity of that mindless remark because I am positive that is one of the reasons I don't get to buy more recordings of her or attend concerts in the U.S. where I live. So I have to survive on the few youtube uploads... (Though if you do a youtube search on her Korean name written in Korean you get a few more clips.)