카테고리 없음

机 책상 궤, 틀 기, 모탕 예

VIS VITALIS 2016. 4. 28. 20:07
책상 궤, 틀 기, 모탕 예획순보기 재생
  • 1. 책상()
  • 2. 궤나무
  • 3. 느티나무(느릅나뭇과의 낙엽 활엽 교목)
  • a. 틀, 기계 (기)
  • b. 베틀 (기)
  • c. 기틀, 고동(기계 장치) (기)
  • d. 재치 (기)
  • e. 기교() (기)
  • f. 모탕(나무를 패거나 자를 때에 받쳐 놓는 나무토막) (예)

(기)의 간체자(). 대법원 인명용으로는 궤. 뜻을 나타내는 나무목(☞나무)와 음()을 나타내는 글자 (궤)가 합()하여 이루어짐

The core technology of a pattern loom(베틀) lies in the programming of patterns stored in the shaft of the loom or in the shaft connected with the shaft hole. Joseph Needham attributed the invention of the pattern loom to China and stated that the Chinese character 机 (ji) — which became the generic term both for machinery and for wisdom — originated from the shape of the loom. This indicated the importance of the loom in the scientific and technological history of China. The programming of patterns, not only exerted a great influences on silk production across Eurasia but also had a direct influence on the invention of many modern technologies of the world, such as telegrams and computers. The models of pattern looms unearthed from the Laoguanshan Tombs filled a void not only in Chinese but also in the scientific and technological history of the world. Furthermore, such looms were once used to produce the Sichuan brocade from the Han to Tang periods, one of the most representative of silk weaves produced in China at that time. Weaving technology as well as silk was transmitted along the Silk Road, having great significance for the spread of Chinese culture.
