카테고리 없음

yonisas(부사) 正, 如理, 依理, 如法, 深心. 근본적으로, 정당하게.

VIS VITALIS 2016. 4. 28. 12:33

yonisas(부사)  正, 如, 依理, 如法, 深心. 근본적으로, 정당하게.

yoniso manasiKr 정사유, 여리사유, 여리정사유

yoniso manasikara 정사유, 정작의, 여리작의, 여법사유, 理聚, 心依

yoniso manasikriya 여성명사 正憶

yoniso manas kara  남성명사 正憶

yonivicaya 正觀

yonisas cinta 理思

yoni svabhava 자궁에서 생겨나다

In Buddhism, a sotāpanna (Pali), srotāpanna (SanskritChinese入流pinyinrùliúTibetanརྒྱན་ཞུགསWyliergyun zhugs[1]), "stream-winner",[2] or "stream-entrant"[3] is a person who has seen the Dharma and consequently, has dropped the first three fetters (saŋyojana) that bind a being to rebirth, namely self-view (sakkāya-ditthi), clinging to rites and rituals (sīlabbata-parāmāsa), and skeptical indecision (vicikicchā).

The word sotāpanna literally means one who entered (āpanna) the stream (sota)", after a metaphor which calls the noble eightfold path a stream which leads to nibbāna.[4]Entering the stream (sotāpatti) is the first of the four stages of enlightenment.[5]

Bra, f. a stream (accord, to others, 'the leaden

ball of a sling' - Zd. sru), RV. x, 96, 6 ; flow, effluence

(~srava), L.^a spring, fountain, cascade, L.;

a sacrificial ladle ( = sruva\, L.

1. Srota, m. n. (ifc. f. d) -* srotas (ff.praii- and

sahasra-sr). nadi-bhava, n. antimony, L.

Srotapattl, f. srola-nfatti below. Brotodbhava,

n. - sroto-ja (under sroto), L.

2. Srota, in comp. for srotas. apatti, f. entrance

into the river (leading to Nirvana), Buddh.

apanna, mfn. one who has entered the above

river, ib. (MWB. 132). Ilia, m. 'lord of streams,"

the ocean, L.

Srotas, n. the current or bed of a river, a river,

stream, torrent, RV. &c. &c. ; water, Naigh. i, 1 2 ;

rush, violent motion or onset of (comp.), Kiv.; Pur. ;

Sarvad. ; the course or current of nutriment in the

body, channel or course for conveying food (see irdhva-

and tiryak-sr) ; an aperture in the human

or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 1 1 in

women), Suir. ; the spout of a jar, Snsr. ; an organ of

sense, SvetUp. ; R. &c. ; lineage, pedigree (?), MBh.

ta, f. flow, course (instr. = '

by degrees'), Samk.

Tat, mfn. possessing a stream or current; (all),

(. a river, L.-vlni, f. a river, Kad. ; Sis.

Srotasa (ifc.) = srotas (see tri-, varuna-sr).

Srotaaya, nii'n. flowing in streams, AV. ; m. a

thief, L. ; N. of Siva, L.

Sroto, in comp. for srotas. ja, n. '


antimony (cf. sroto-'iljana), Suir. Java,

m. rapidity ofa current, MW. 'njana, n.

' streamcollyrium,'

antimony (esp. as a collyrium for the

eyes, said to be produced in the river Yamuna), L.

nadi-bhava, n. id., L. 'nngata, m. a partic.

Samidhi, Buddh. randhra, n. the aperture of an

elephant's trunk, Megh. Tab or -vahS, f. a river,


Srotya, f. flowing water, a wave, surge, stream,

river, RV.; AV.; TS.; Br. (cf. Naigh. i, 13).

Branta, n. N. of a Slman (cf. irauta), IndSt.

Srantika, m. a pearl-shell, L.

Sraatovaha, mfn. (fr. iroto-vahd) relating to

a river, Sak. (v.l.)

Srauva, mfn. relating to the sacrificial ladle (i.e.

to the sacrifice), connected with or depending on the

sacrifice, Vishn.